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Marcel C. LaFollette 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

    False data published by a psychologist influence policies for treating the mentally retarded. A Nobel Prize-winning molecular biologist resigns the presidency of Rockefeller University in the wake of a scandal involving a co-author accused of fabricating data. A university investigating… 더 보기 »(B96) STEALING INTO PRINT

    (B94) Planning Ethically Responsible Research 2 edition

    Joan E. Sieber and Martin B. Tolich 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

      Extensively revised and updated to serve today’s needs for insight and solutions to the most vexing ethical and regulatory problems faced by researchers today, Planning Ethically Responsible Research, Second Edition guides readers through one of the most important aspects of… 더 보기 »(B94) Planning Ethically Responsible Research 2 edition

      (B92) the elements of BIOETHICS

      Gregory E.Pence 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

        This book is designed for the biomedical ethics course as a core introduction to biomedical issues in the context of ethical theory. Each chapter unfolds timely, paradigm case examples–many of which have never before been explored in a bioethics text–and… 더 보기 »(B92) the elements of BIOETHICS

        (B90) Cutting-Edge Bioethics

        John F. Kilner C. Christopher Hook Diann B. Uustal 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

          This book from the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity provides a faith-based evaluation of recent technologies and trends in bioethics–including the current debate surrounding stem cell research. Fifteen noted scholars and medical practitioners discuss some of today’s new and… 더 보기 »(B90) Cutting-Edge Bioethics

          (B88) AMERICAN BIOETHICS Crossing Human Rights and Health Law Boundaries

          GEORGE J. ANNAS 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

            Bioethics was “born in the USA” and the values American bioethics embrace are based on American law, including liberty and justice. This book crosses the borders between bioethics and law, but moves beyond the domestic law/bioethics struggles for dominance by… 더 보기 »(B88) AMERICAN BIOETHICS Crossing Human Rights and Health Law Boundaries