Animal Welfare (vol. 24, Issue1)
생물의약품 비임상시험 가이드라인
본 지침은 생물의약품(백신 및 생명공학의약품)의 비임상시험 수행을 위한 일반적인 원칙을 제시하고 있습니다. 이 원칙은 현재까지의 경험과 과학적 사실에 근거한 것이므로 새로운 과학적 근거가 있을 경우 언제든지 개정될 수 있으며 이러한 사항이 있을 경우 식품의약품안전처에 의견을 제시하여 주시기 바랍니다. 또한, 이… 더 보기 »생물의약품 비임상시험 가이드라인
Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue4)
Observing lame sheep: evaluating test agreement between group-level and individual animal methods of assessment pp. 417-422(6) Authors: Phythian, CJ; Cripps, PC; Grove-White, D; Jones, PH; Michalopoulou, E; Duncan, JS … 더 보기 »Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue4)
Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue3)
Can substrate in early rearing prevent feather pecking in adult laying hens? pp. 305-314(10) Authors: de Jong, IC; Reuvekamp, BFJ; Gunnink, H Australia s ethical framework for when animals are used for scientific purposes pp. 315-322(8) Authors: Rose, M; Grant,… 더 보기 »Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue3)
Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue2)
Effect of housing and husbandry practices on adrenocortical activity in captive Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) pp. 159-165(7) Authors: Fanson, KV; Wielebnowski, NC Causes of loss or retirement from active duty for New Zealand police German shepherd dogs pp. 166-173(8) Authors:… 더 보기 »Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue2)
Animal Welfare (vol. 23, Issue3)
The effects of simulated transport on the behaviour of eastern blue tongued lizards (Tiliqua scincoides) pp. 239-249(11) Authors: Mancera, K; Murray, PJ; Gao, YN; Lisle, A; Phillips, CJC A comparison of handling methods relevant to the religious slaughter of sheep … 더 보기 »Animal Welfare (vol. 23, Issue3)
Provides the in-depth details of the digestive, respiratory, urogenital, endocrine, and skeletal systems. There are two mini-labs covering carbon dioxide production and heart rate as well as extensions covering peristalsis, heart function, antagonistic muscles, kidney function, and hormone balance.
From Darwin to Dawkins the science and implications of animal sentience
This bibliography lists current scientific research on animal sentience, based on findings in disciplines ranging from animal behaviour to neurobiology. The bibliography is regularly updated with new papers and resources from previous years. Scientific papers Books From Darwin to Dawkins: the… 더 보기 »From Darwin to Dawkins the science and implications of animal sentience