Preface 7
Welcome Address 9
Physiology and Endocrinology of Reproduction
Hypogonadism of the Aging Male:
Diagnosis and Treatment 13
Michael Zitzmann, Eberhard Nieschlag
Scrotal and Transrectal Ultrasonography
inNonhuman Primates 23
Axel Kamischke, Gerhard F. Weinbauer, Eberhard Nieschlag
Flow Cytometry Based Diagnostic Parameters and
Techniques for Reproductive Toxicology 35
Humaira Aslam, Gerhard F. Weinbauer
The Nonhuman Primate as a Model in Developmental
and Reproductive Toxicology 49
Gerhard F. Weinbauer
Age-Related Diseases and Pathology
Establishment and Perspectives of an Aging Primate Colony
for the Study of Geriatric Diseases 67
Rainhart Korte, Mary Ann Stanley, Eberhard Buse,
Wolfgang Miiller, Friedhelm Vogel, Gerhard F. Weinbauer
Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy 75
Ludwig Kiesel, Barbara Sonntag
Osteoporosis and Aging: The Nonhuman Primate Model 85
Chris P. Jerome
Current and Future Issues in Biotechnology
Lymph Organ Development in Fetal Cynomolgus Monkey
(Macaca fascicularis) 93
Eberhard Buse, Stephanie Friderichs-Gromoll,
Gunnar Habermann, Joachim Kaspareit
Effects of a Human Lymphotoxin-(3 Receptor-IgG 1
(LT(3R-Ig) Fusion Protein on Lymph Node Development
in Nonhuman Primates 105
Pauline L. Martin
The Common Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)
as a Model in Biotechnology 119
Ulrich Zu’hlke, Sven Korte, Birgit Niggemann,
Antje Fuchs, Wolfgang Miiller
Antagonist CD40 Mab 5D12 on its Way to the Clinic 127
Louis Boon, Marcel T. den Hartog, Jon D. Laman
New Developments in Primate Toxicology
The Role of Primate Research in the Development
of Epiretinal Retina Implants 149
Heinrich Gerding
Multifocal Electroretinography (mfERG):
Topographic Mapping of Retinal Function 163
Mathias W. Seeliger, Eberhart Zrenner
Comparison of Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) and
peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT)
Techniques for Bone Mineral Density Analysis 171
Susanne Mohr, Marc Niehoff
The Need for Relevant Geriatric Models
in Drug Development 185
David Brusick
Speakers und Contributors 189
Thirteenth Primate Symposium – Programme 191
Index 195