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Frame News, Issue 76 / Summer 2016

  • 저자
  • 출판사 FRAME
  • 출판일 2016
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 동물대상연구
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    Promoting non-animal laboratory methods throught better science


    Home Office consultation……………………….4
    New doctors at the FAL …………………………..5
    Cosmetic testing developments 6
    Intern experience……………………………………..8
    Mouse models in Parkinson’s
    disease research ………………………………………9
    News in brief………………………………………….. 13
    Improving training in
    experimental design……………………………… 15
    Xenotransplantation —
    the public’s view …………………………………….16
    Changes to reporting rules for
    Home Office statistics……………………………18