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Alternative Methods In Toxicology 11

  • 저자 Alan M. Goldberg, L.F.M. van Zutphe
  • 출판사 Mary Ann Liebert, Ins.
  • 출판일 1995
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    The World Congrss On Alternatives And Animal Use In The Life Sciences : ducationResearch, Testing




    Contributing Authors

    Part One: Plenary Lectures

    Replacement Alternatives and the Concept of Alternatives
    A.J. Rowan
    The History of Animal Use in the Life Sciences
    J. Parascandola
    The Role of Animals and Alternatives in Education
    R.T. Fosse
    Science, Ethics, and Animals
    F.S. Carney
    The Need to Redefine Animal Care and Use
    D.B. Morton
    Reduction of Animal Use and Experimental Design
    M.F.W. Festing
    Alternatives in Safety Testing: Progress or Uselessness?
    M. Roberfroid
    Animals and Society
    A.M. Beck
    The Development of Legislation on the Use of Animals and Alternatives
    G. Pechovitch
    Part Two: Special Presentations

    W.M.S. Russell Speech at the Awards Luncheon
    W.M.S. Russell
    Picard’s Dilemma (Text of the play presented at the World Congress banquet
    Deborah Rudacille
    Part Three: In Vitro Studies

    Heavy Metals
    Organotypic Slice Cultures as In Vitro Model for Studying Long-Term Effects of Neurotoxic and Convulsant Substances in the Brain
    B.H. Gahwiler, M. Muller, C. Fortunato, R. Durr, P. Streit, and S.M. Thompson
    Neural Cell Cultures as Model Systems to Identify and Assess Mechanisms of Neurotoxicity
    G.J. Harry
    Assessing Developmental Neurotoxicity to Psychomotor Stimulants
    A.D. Weissman
    Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide Neurotoxicity in Primary Neuronal Cultures
    V.L. Dawson and T.M. Dawson
    A Tissue Culture Model of Serotonin Neurons for Studying Normal Development and Screening for Drug Teratogenicity
    P.M. Whitaler-Azmitia and E.C. Azmitia
    Reproductive Toxicity
    The Use of Rat Embryo Culture in Reproductive Toxicity Testing
    W.S. Webster
    Exposure of Drosophila Embryonic Cells to a 60Hz Sinusoidal Magnetic Field: Effect on Teratogenesis and Heat Shock Protein 70 Expression
    N. Bournias-Vardiabasis, P. Nguyen, and J.L. Phillips
    Inhibition of Hyperactivated Motility of Rabbit Spermatozoa by Metals
    R.J. Young
    Use of Bursal Lymphocytes to Assess the Genetic Effects of Phenoxyherbicides in Chick Embryos
    E. Arias
    Hepatic Function and Metabolism
    An Overview of In Vitro Liver Models
    A. Guillouzo, S. Langouet, and O. Fardel
    Cultured Human Hepatocytes for Drug Hepatoxicity Research
    J.V. Castell, M.J. Gomez-Lechon, R. Trullenque, and R. Fabra
    Mammalaian Cell Lines Genetically Engineered for Metabolic Competence
    J. Doehmer
    Apical and Basolateral Gentamicin Exposure Result in Temporally Distinct Electrophysiological Alterations in Cultured Human Proximal Tubule Cells
    J.H. Todd, D.A. Sens, and M.A. Sens
    Use of Human Liver Slices and Hepatocytes in Transport and Metabolism Studies
    P. Olinga, M.T. Merema, G.W. Sandker, M.J.H. Slooff, D.K.F. Meijer, and G.M.M. Groothius
    The Usage of Cytochrome P450 Database (CPD) for Prediction of the Drugs’ Fate in Living Systems
    A.I. Archakov and G.I. Bachmanova
    New Approaches for the Preservation of Metabolic Zonation in Rat Hepatocyte Cultures
    P. Maier, B. Saad, and K. Ohno
    Reduction, Replacement, and Refinement of Animal Tests Used in the Control of Bacterial Vaccines – Progress, Prospects, and Possibilities
    P.A. Knight
    Transgenic Mice Carrying Human Poliovirus Receptor Gene as Animal Model to Study Poliovirus Pathogenesis
    A. Nomoto
    Determination of Erysipelas Antibodies by an Enzyme Immunoassay: A Method to Replace the Mouse Protection Test Required for Potency Testing of Bacterins
    K. Cussler, R. Beckmann, and R. Weiss
    Simple and Quick Measurement of Radiosensitivity of Cells by Cytokinesis Block Micronucleus Assay – Special Reference to Alpha Value or Response to 1-3 Gy
    K. Ono, S. Masunaga, M. Akaboshi, and E.O. Wandl
    In Vitro Production of Monoclonal Antibodies in High Concentration in a New and Easy to Handle Modular Minifermenter
    H. Weichert, F.W. Falkenberg, M. Krane, I. Bartels, H.-O. Nagels, and H. Fiebig
    High Performance Receptor Binding Chromatography (HPRBC) for Human Growth Hormone (hGH)
    J.E. Battersby, E. Conova-Davis, A.C. Celniker, B.C. Cunningham, B.L. Fletcher, R.L. Garnick, R.L. Gehant, E.R. Hoff, G. Hunt, P.A. McKay, J.V. O’Connor, K.C. Olsen, D.K. Parikh, E.C. Roswall, G.M. Teshima, J.A. Wells, and M.E. Winkler
    Toxicity Testing
    The Fixed Dose Procedure as an Alternative to the Classical LD50 Test: Acceptance by the EEC and OECD
    R.J. Fielder
    The MEIC Program and Its Implications for the Prediction of Acute Human Systemic Toxicity
    E. Walum, M. Nilsson, C. Clemedson, and B. Ekwall
    Quantitative Methods of Detecting Cytokine mRNA and Protein Changes in Lymphocytes as an Alternative to Acute Toxicity Testing in Animals
    B. Markovic, G. Malich, and C. Winder
    Nuclear Receptors and the Development of Alternative Tests
    A.A. Levin and J.F. Grippo
    Dermal Toxicology
    The Development of In Vitro Tests for Skin Corrosion and Irritation
    P.A. Botham
    Differences Between Immediate and Delayed Phototoxicity: The Concept of the Battery of Two In Vitro Phototoxicty Tests
    D.T. Sladowski, S.J. Steer, B.M. Sladowska, R.H. Clothier, and M. Balls
    Human Skin Organ Culture as an Alternative to Animal Model to Study the Allergenicity of Low Molecular Weight Chemical Compounds/Haptens
    A. Rambukkana, F.H.M. Pistoor, D. Irik, W. Menko, J.D. Bos, M.L. Kaspsenberg, and P.K. Das
    Prospective and Predictive Testing for Delayed Contact Hypersensitivity in Laboratory Animals and Man
    E.V. Buehler
    Relevance and Reliability of In Vitro Methods and Ocular Safety Assessment
    M. Cottin, K.G. dossou, O. de Silva, M. Tolle, R. Roguet, C. Cohen, P. Catroux, I. Delabarre, C. Sicard, and A. Rougier
    The Draize Eye Test and Progress in Development and Acceptance of Alternatives to This Test in Europe
    E. Schlede and I. Gerner
    Renal Toxicology
    Failure of Wilms’ Tumor Blastema to Differentiate Under Conditions Which Promote the Growth of Fetal Proximal Tubule Cells from the Human Fetal Kidney
    D.A. Sens, A.J. Garvin, D.J. Hazen-Martin, G.G. Re, and M.A. Sens
    Foscarnet-Induced Toxicity of Human Renal Prozimal Tubule Cells
    A.L. Trifillis, X. Cui, and G.L. Drusano
    Part Four: Risk Assessment and Extrapolation

    Alternatives and Risk Assessment: A Risk Worth Taking
    M.J. van den Heuvel
    The Chicken Enucleated Eye Test (CEET): A Screen for the Assessment of Eye Irritation/Corrosion Potential of Compounds
    M.K. Prinsen
    Alternatives in Safety Testing: Approaches in the Slovak Republic
    M. Vargova
    Combining In Vitro Alternatives and Physiologically-Based Computer Modeling Will Improve Quantitative Health Risk-Assessments
    M.E. Andersen
    Structure-Activity Relationships as Alternatives in the Study of Carcinogenesis
    H.S. Rosenkranz and G. Klopman
    Attempts to Validate a Possible Predictive Animal Model for Human Erythrocyte G-6-PD Deficiency
    E.J. Calabrese, H.M. Horton, and T. Gentile
    Rat as a Model to Study Postprandial Effects in Man
    J. Ritskes-Hoitinga, K.H. van het Hof, W.J. Kloots, E.A.M. de Deckere, J.M.M. van Amelsvoort, and J.A. Westrate
    Part Five: Validation

    Validation Programs in Europe
    B.J. Blaauboer and M. Balls
    Observations on US Validation Studies
    R.A. Scala
    Validation of New Toxicology Test Systems – The Paradigm of Genetic Toxicity Tests
    E. Zeiger
    Current Status of Validation Studies in Japan
    H. Ono
    Part Six: Databases

    The Landscape of Alternatives – AWIC
    J.A. Larson
    The UC Center for Animal Alternatives
    L.A. Hart and D.C. Anderson
    The Status of In Vitro Toxicity Testing Databases in Europe
    K. Ungar
    Public Sources of In Vitro Toxicity Testing Data in North America
    M.R. Green
    The Galileo Data Bank of Alternative Methodologies to the Use of Animals in Toxicity Testing
    G. Loprieno, G. Boncristiani, E. Bosco, N. Loprieno, and M. NIeri
    Part Seven: Pharmacopeial

    Reduction of the Use of Animals for Quality Control Testing in the European Pharmacopoeia
    J.-M. Spieser
    USP Alternatives to Animal Testing: The In Vitro Option – A Progress Report
    L.T. Grady and R. Dabbah
    Part Eight: Education and Training

    Education – The Three R’s Concept
    Education as a Contribution to the Introduction of Alternatives in Research and Testing
    L.F.M. van Zutphen and A.C. Beynen
    An Assessment of Educational Requirements and Training Strategies in North America
    G.L. Van Hoosier, Jr., C.A. Pekpw, M.B. Dennis, Jr., and C.S. Scott
    Search for Alternatives to Animal Use in Medical Education – Tempus Joint European Project
    Z. Cervinkova, M. Cervinka, M. Balls, and H. Spielmann
    Continuing Education and Training (CET) – A Vital Part of Use of Laboratory Animals and Alternatives in Education, Research, and Testing
    R.P. Maickel, M.A. Suckow, and L.A. Terril-Robb
    Computers in Education
    Rapid Information Exchange – Networking Biomedical Researchers Via the Internet and Other Computer Connections
    K. Boschert
    Using Computer Networks in Distance Learning: Professional and Public Education
    D.C. Ferguson and P.D. Pion
    Painless Protein, A Computer-Interative Learning Environment
    S. Dubin and K. McKee
    The Virtual Clinic (TM), A Virtual Reality Surgical Simulator
    K.T. McGovern and L.T. McGovern
    Interactive Video (Multimedia) in Animal Techniques Training (A Cost Effective Alternative to Using Animals)
    M. Connelly
    Evaluation of Interactive Learning Materials
    J. Moonen
    Experiences with Computers in Veterinary Education
    A. Smith
    Simulated Animal Preparations in Pharmacology Teaching
    H. van Wilgenburg
    Computer Simulations of Animal Experiments in Undergraduate Teaching – Use and Evaluation
    D.G. Dewhurst
    Part Nine: Animal Welfare Issues

    On the Ethical and Scientific Need for Assessing the Potential Benefit of Research Likely to Cause Suffering to Protected Animals
    M. Balls
    Mechanisms of Pain
    G.F. Gebhart
    Euthanasia: The Assessment of Welfare and Scientific Aspects
    N.G. Gregory
    The Ethics of Death as an Endpoint: Euthanasia as an Alternative
    J. Tannenbaum
    Environmental Manipulations to Promote Psychological Well-Being in Primates
    P. Theran
    Animal Boredom: Consequences for Housing and Feeding Conditions
    F. Wemelsfelder
    Refinement of Perioperative Care
    P. Flecknell
    Refining Anaesthetic Techniques in a Laboratory Animal Facility: Practical Problems
    V. Baumans and H. van Herck
    Pain and Distress in Laboratory Animals: What We Know and What We Assume
    P.F. Brain
    Preclinical Models for Analgesic Drug Study
    T.L. Yaksh
    Part Ten: Ethical Aspects

    Ethical Scoring Systems
    D.P. Boisvert and D.G. Porter
    The Austrailian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teacing
    R.M. Baker
    The Role of Animal Care Committees in Fostering Use of Alternatives: A Case Study
    A.D. Bowd
    The Use of Rabbits, Dogs, Cats, and Primates in USDA-Registered and Federal Biomedical Laboratories in the United States 1975-1992
    C.H. Lingeman, L. Krulisch, and L. Tockey
    The Psychology of Animal Rights Activism
    H. Herzog
    The Caring Sleuth: A Qualitative Analysis of Animal Rights Activists
    K. Shapiro
    Public Attitudes Toward Animal Research: A Comparative Study of 15 Nations
    L. Pifer and K. Shimizu
    Part Eleven: Barriers to the Acceptance of Alternatives

    On Recognizing and Overcoming Barriers to the Acceptance of Alternative Methods
    M. Balls and J.H. Fentem
    Progress in the Acceptance of In Vitro Tests by Regulatory Authorities
    R.J. Fielder
    The Erosion of Acceptability of Animal Toxicity Tests in the Courtroom
    H.E. Hazard
    Part Twelve: Funding Sources

    Directory of Funding Sources for Scientific Pursuit of Alternatives
    A. Tarzi and F.B. Orlans
    Part Thirteen: Point of View

    Endpoints and Cell Systems for In Vitro Toxicity Assessments: A Discussion of Specific Target Cell Toxicity Versus Basal Cytotoxicity
    Lethality: In Vitro and In Vivo
    O. Flint
    The Basal Cytotoxicity Concept
    B. Ekwall
    In Vitro and In Vivo Alternative or Complementary Techniques?
    S. Garattini