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Alternative Methods In Toxicology 1

  • 저자 Alan M. Goldberg
  • 출판사 Mary Ann Liebert, Ins.
  • 출판일 1983
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    Product Safety Evaluation


    Part One

    The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
    Alan Goldberg
    Historical Perspective on Safety Testing
    Jacqueline Karnell Corn
    Legal Requirements for Safety Testing of Cosmetics
    Stephen H. McNamara
    Regulatory Considerations Regarding Safety Testing
    Albert C. Kolbye
    Industrial Practices in Safety Testing
    Edward M. Jackson
    Part Two

    Role of Toxic Oxygen Products in Lung Damamge
    Peter A. Ward
    The Integrated Response of Skin to Toxic Stimuli
    Edward A. Smuckler
    Immunologic Mechanisms of Cutaneous Diseases
    Thomas T. Provost
    Part Three

    Alternatives: Interaction Between Science and Animal Welfare
    Andrew N. Rowan
    Part Four

    Alternatives in Toxicity Testing
    K.J. Falahee, C.S. Rose, H.E. Seifried, and D. Sawhey
    Development of a Procedure Using the Chick Egg as an Alternative to the Draize Rabbit Test
    Joseph Leighton, Joyce Nassauer, Ruy Tchao, and Judith Verdone
    Alternative Approaches to the Draize Assay: Chemotaxis, Cytology, Differentiation, and Membrane Transport Studies
    D.M. Stark, C. Shopsis, E. Borenfreund, and J. Walberg
    In Vitro Occular Irritancy Testing
    William H.J. Douglas and Stanley D. Spilman
    Excitable Cells in Culture: Alternative for Acute Toxicity Testing
    C.R. Horres
    An In Vitro Alternative for Testing the Effect of Organophosphates on Neurotoxic Esterase Activity
    Albert Fedalei and Roland M. Nardone
    A Process to Regulate Tissue Function In Vitro: Alternative to In Vivo Tests
    Michael L. Gruenberg and John J. Peluso
    An In Vitro Test for Predicting the Photosensitizing Potential (PSP) of Various Chemicals
    Daniel McAuliffe, Warwick L. Morison, and John A. Parrish
    Analysis of Photon Emission Rates in Luminescence-Deficient Strains of Photobacterium: An Alternative Approach to Evaluating Genotoxic Properties of Chemical Products
    Stanley Scher
    A Model for Toxicological Prediction
    Raymond M. Tamura
    Theoretical Predictions of Toxicity
    Joyce J. Kaufman, Vitor Lewchenko, P.C. Hariharan, and Walter S. Koski