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Alternative Methods In Toxicology 10

  • 저자 Andr Rougier, Alan M. Goldberg, Howard I Maibach
  • 출판사 Mary Ann Liebert, Ins.
  • 출판일 1994
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    In Vitro Skin Toxicology Irritation, Phototoxicity, Sensitization




    A. Rougier, A.M. Goldber, and H.I. Maibach

    Part One: Irritation

    General Aspects
    Primary Cutaneous Irritation: Clinical, Biology, and Experimental
    J.D. Harvell and H.I. Maibach
    Bioengineering Methods to Evaluate In Vivo Skin Irritation: Application to In Vitro Irritation
    J.D. Harvell and H.I. Maibach
    Role of Cutokines in Irritant Contact Dermatitis
    G.M. Shivji, A.K. Gupta, and D.N. Sauder
    In Vitro Approaches
    Physiochemical Methods
    Product Classification as Corrosive or Irritant by Measuring pH and Acid/Alkali Reserve
    J.R. Young and M.J. How
    Influence of PKa on Skin Irritancy Potential of Chemicals
    B. Berner, A. Nangia, and H.I. Maibach
    Dermal Corrosion, the CORROSITEX System: A DOT Accepted Method to Predict Corrosivity Potential of Test Materials
    V.C. Gordon, J.D. HArvell, and H.I. Maibach
    The SKINTEX System: An In Vitro Biomacromolecular Assay to Predict In Vivo Dermal Irritation
    V.C. Gordon, J.D. Harvell, and H.I. Maibach
    The Use of Cell Cultures
    Use of Cell Cultures in Irritancy Testing
    M. Chamberlain and L. Earl
    The Pollen Tube Growth Test: Use in Eye and Skin Irritancy Assessment
    U. Kristen, J.P. van Aken, W. Pape, and U. Hoppe
    The Silicon Microphysiometer: Use in Ocular and Cutaneous Toxicity Testing
    J.D. Harvell, J.C. Owicki, and H.I. Maibach
    Measurement of Proinflammatory Mediator Production by Cultured Keratinocytes: A Predictive Assessment of Cutaneous Irritancy
    C. Cohen, C. Selvi-Bignon, A. Barbier, A. Rougier, F. Lacheretz, and R. Roguet
    The Use of Epidermal and Skin Equivalents
    Skin and Epidermal Equivalents: A Review
    M. Prunieras
    The Use of In Vitro Skin Recombinants to Evaluate Cutaneous Toxicity
    M. Ponec
    The Living Skin Equivalent in Cutaneous Irritancy Assessment
    J.D. HArvell, R. Gay, and H.I. Maibach
    Skin2: An In Vitro Human Skin Analog
    B. De Wever and L.A. Rheins
    The Episkin Model: Successful Reconstruction of Human Epidermis In Vitro
    E. Tinois, Q. Gaetani, B. Gayraud, D. Dupont, A. Rougier, and X. Pouradier Duteil
    A Reconstituted Human Epidermis to Assess Cutaneous Irritation, Photoirritation, and Photoprotection In Vitro
    R. Rouget, C. Cohen, and A. Rougier
    The Use of Skin Explants
    A Review of the Human In Vitro Skin Corrosivity Test
    D.A. Basketter and E. Whittle
    Measurement of Transcutaneous Electrical Resistance to Assess the Skin Corrosivity Potential of Chemicals
    R.W. Lewis and P.A. Botham
    Skin Organ Culture for the Study of Skin Irritancy
    F.G. Bartnik and W.F. Pitterman
    Part 2: Phototoxicity

    General Aspects
    Evaluation of Phototoxicity: From In Vitro to In Vivo
    A. Moysan, M.A. Miranda, P. Morliere, L. Peno-Mazzarino, D. Averbeck, S. Averbeck, P. Clement-Lacroix, L. Michel, M. Bazin, M. Geze, R. Santus, M. Jeanmougin, J.V. Castell, and L. Dubertret
    In Vitro Approaches
    Assessing Photoxicity by In Vitro Methods: A Review
    W.W. Lovell
    A Strategic Approach for In Vitro Photoxicity Testing
    W. Pape, U. Pfannenbecker, and W. Diembeck
    Photohemolysis Test and Yeast Growth Inhibition Assay to Assess Phototoxic Potential of Chemicals
    M. Sugiyama, H. Itagaki, and S. Kato
    The Use of Keratinocyte and Fibroblast Cultures to Predict Phototoxicity of Chemicals
    K. Maier
    The Complement Photoactivation Assay
    D.T. Sladowski and M. Balls
    First Results of the EC/COLIPA Validation Project “In Vitro Phototoxicity Testing”
    M. Liebsch, H. Spielman, M. Balls, M. Brand, B. Doring, J. Dupuis, H.G. Holzhutter, G. Klecak, H. L’Eplattenier, W.W. Lovell, T. Maurer, F Moldenhauer, L. Moore, W.J.W. Pape, U. Pfannenbecker, J. Potthast, O. de Silva, W. Steiling, and A. Willshaw
    Part 3: Sensitization

    General Aspects
    Immunological Principles of Sensitization
    C. Hauser and J.-H. Saurat
    Early Events in the Induction Phase of Contact Hypersensitivity
    J.M. Czernielewski
    In Vitro Approaches
    Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship
    Approaches to Structure-Activity Relationships in Skin Sensitization Using CADES
    C.C. Sigman, D. Bagheri, and H.I. Maibach
    Modeling Allergic Contact Dermatitis
    P.S. Magee, J.J. Hostynek, and H.I. Maibach
    Structure-Activity Relationships for Skin Sensitization: an Expert System
    M.D. Barratt and D.A. Basketter
    The Use of Cell Cultures
    Cytokine Expression by Epidermal Cell Subpopulations in Allergic Contact Dermatitis
    P.R. Bergstresser
    Hapten Presentation by Human Epidermal Langerhans Cells In Vitro
    C. Moulon, J. Peguet-Navarro, P. Courtellemont, G. Redziniak, and D. Schmitt
    Antigen Presentation by Murine Epiermal Cells In Vitro
    N. Pineau, K.G. Dossou, and O. de Silva
    Secondary T-Cell Response to Haptens In Vitro: A Step Towards an Entirely In Vitro Screening Assay for Contact Sensitizers
    J.-F. Nicolas, J.-L. Garrigue, H. Bour, and D. Schmitt
    Development of a Predictive In Vitro Test for Detection of Sensitizing Compounds (European Bridge Project)
    A. Barbier, E. Rizova, J.L. Stampf, F. Lachertz, F.H.M. Pistoor, J.D. Bos, M.L. Kapsenberg, D. Becker, M. Mohammadzadeh, J. Knop, S. Mabic, and J.-P. Lepoittevin
    The Use of Skin Explants
    Toxic and Allergic Skin Reactions, Evaluated in Organ-Cultured Full-Thickness Human and Animal Skin Explants
    A.M. Dannenberg, Jr. and K.G. Moore
    Ex-Vivo Approaches
    Cytokine Production and the Local Lymph Node Assay
    R.J. Dearman and I. Kimber
    The Ex-Vivo Local Nymph Node Assay (LLNA)
    O. de Silva, M.J. Perez, and K.G. Dossou
    Part 4: In Vitro Skin Toxicology: Present and Future

    What Can Be Expected from In Vitro Methods
    H.B.W.M. Koeter
    Regulatory Aspects in the US Food and Drug Administration
    N.L. Wilcox
    State of Dermal Validation Studies in the US
    F.H. Kruszewski and A.M. Goldberg
    The State of Validation in the EC
    M. Balls