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Alternative Methods In Toxicology 5

  • 저자 Alan M. Goldberg
  • 출판사 Mary Ann Liebert, Ins.
  • 출판일 1987
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    In Vitro Toxicology Approaches to Validation




    Contributing Authors

    Part One: Symposium Presentations

    Theoretical Approaches to Validation
    Robert A. Scala
    Validation as Applied to In Vitro Toxicology
    John O. Rundell
    The Interplay Among Validation, Policy, and Regulation
    Richard N. Hill
    Diffusion of a New Methodology
    Frank Baker
    Validation Studies in Progress
    Validation Studies on a Battery of Potential In Vitro Alternatives to the Draize Test
    Charles Shopsis, Ellen Borenfreund, and Dennis M. Stark
    The FRAME Approach to the Development, Validation, and Evaluation of In Vitro Alternatives Methods
    Michael Balls, Rosemary J. Riddell, Steven A. Horner, and Richard H. Clothier
    The Development and Evaluation of the Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) Assay
    Betty M. Kong, Chris J. Viau, Perveen Y. Rizvi, and Salvatore J. De Salva
    An Approach to Validation: Comparison of Six Materials in Three Tests
    John A. Shadduck, James Render, Jeffrey Everitt, Rose Ann Meccoli, and Diane Essex-Sorlie
    Validation of an In Vitro Eye Irritancy Test: A First Step
    Herman B.W.M Koeter and Menk K. Prinsen
    The Validation Approach of The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
    John M. Frazier
    Skin and Eye Studies in Progress
    Chairman’s Remarks
    Direct Toxicity to the Cornea: A Nonspecific Process?
    David Maurice
    Introductory Lecture: Mechanisms of Inflammation in Skin and Eyes – Similarities and Differences
    Michael B. Berman
    Two New In Vitro Methods for Evaluating Toxicity to Skin (Employing Short-Term Organ Culture): I. Paranuclear Vacuolization, Seen in Glycol Methacrylate Tissue Sections; II. Inhibition of 14C-Leucine Incorporation
    Arthur M. Dannenberg, Jr., K. Gregory Moore, Brian H. Schofield, Kazuyuki Higuchi, Akira Kajiki, Kin-Wing Au, Peggy J. Pula, and David P. Bassett
    Surfactant-Induced Cutaneous Primary Irritancy: An In Vitro Model
    Vincent A. DeLeo, Lauren Midlarsky, Leonard C. Harber, Betty M. Kong, and Salvatore De Salva
    Corneal Epithelial Wound Closure: A Tissue Culture Model of Ocular Irritancy
    Marcia M. Jumblatt, Sandra J. Simmons, and Arthur H. Neufield
    Further Testing of an In Vitro Phototoxicity Assay
    Irene E. Kochevar, Andre Western, and Daniel J. McAuliffe
    Novel Strategies for Evaluating the Comparative Toxicity of Unmodified Viscoelastic Formulations
    Dale R. Meyer and James P. McCulley
    A Simple Fluorometer for Use with a Permeability Screen for Immediate Ocular Toxicity
    Darrell Brooks and David Maurice
    Special Lecture
    Development and Validation of an Alternative Test for the Detection of Embryonic Malformations: The Postimplantation Embryo Culture Test (PECT)
    Beat P. Schmid and L. Cicurel
    The Economic Viability of In Vitro Testing Techniques
    Henry R. Hertzfield and Thomas D. Meyers
    Alternatives – A Kaleidoscope of Perspectives
    Andrew N. Rowan
    Part 2: Poster Presentations

    Cellular Uptake and Response of Primary Cultures of Rabbit Renal Proximal Tubule Cells Exposed to Mercuric Chloride and Methylmercury Chloride
    Michael D. Aleo, Mary L. Traub, James R. Olsen, Peter A. Nickerson, and Paul J. Kostyniak
    The Use of Primary Hepatocyte Cultures to Detect the Induction of Hepatic Alkaline Phosphate Enzyme in the Rat
    David E. Amacher and Donna J. Smith
    Occular Irritancy Evaluated In Vivoby Conjunctival Lavage Technique and In Vitro by Bovine Eye Cup Model
    C.A. Benassi, M.R. Angi, L. Salvalaio, and A. Bettero
    Use of Stimulated Oxygen Consumption as a Measure of Cutaneous Perturbation
    M.G. Bird, G. Witz, R.A. Scala, and D.V. Parke
    Differential Response of In Vitro Vaginal Tissue to Various Test Agents
    N.H. Dubin, R.B. Ghodgaonkar, and T.H. Parmley
    In Vitro Detection of Cornea-Derived Leukocytic Chemotactic Factors as Indicators of Corneal Inflammation
    Salwa A. Elgebaly, Fairpour Forouhar, and Donald L. Kreutzer
    Some problems in Validating Cytotoxicity as a Correlate of Ocular Irritancy
    Christopher Flower
    Development, Validation, and Transfer of a New Test System Technology in Toxicology
    Shayne C. Gad, Brendan J. Dunn, Frances A. Gavigan, Christopher Reilly, and Robert D. Walsh
    EYTEX, An In Vitro Method for Evaluation of Ocular Irritancy
    V.C. Gordon and H.C. Bergman
    Empirical and Experimental Bases for Selecting the Low Volume Rabbit Eye Irritation Test as the Validation Standard for In Vitro Methods
    J.F. Griffith and F.E. Freeberg
    Incorporation of Species Differences in Metabolism into In Vitro Teratogenicity Testing
    Barbara F. Hales
    Influence of Reduced Numbers of Rabbits on the Adequacy of Eye Irritancy Tests
    N.S. Hatoum, C.L. Leach, R.D. Gibbons, D.M. Talsma, J-C. Roger, and P.J. Garvin
    In Vitro Methods for Assessing Cytotoxicty of Contact Lenses – Comparison with In VivoData
    C. Hecquet, X. Ronot, L. Le Naour, J.G. Josse, and M. Adolphe
    Intralaboratory Replication of Results Obtained in the Hydra Developmental Toxicity Screen
    Alan M. Hoberman, Eric W. Sica, Mildred S. Christian, Betty M. Kong, and Frederick R. Kirchner
    Chemical Structure – Transport Rate Relationships for Model Skin Lipid Membranes
    Joy Houk, Corwin Hansch, Larry L. Hall, and Richard H. Guy
    HET-CAM – Reproducibility Studies
    Niels-P. Luepke and Siegfried Wallat
    A New Teratogenic Risk Assessment Bioassay System Utilizing Marine Hydrozoans
    Vicki J. Martin
    Evaluation of the Comparative Toxicity of Intraocular Viscoelastic Preparations
    Dale R. Meyer and James P.McCulley
    Cisplatinum Toxicity in Rabbit Renal Proximal Tubule Suspensions and Precision-Cut Renal Cortical Slices
    J.S. Phelps, A.J. Gnadolfi, and K. Brendel
    In Vitro Enzymatic Toxicity Test Model Validity Approach
    K.S. Jagannatha Rao
    Use of Cultured Human Cells as Screeing Models for Antipsoriatic Drugs
    Uwe Reichert, Alain Chatelus, and Gerard Pautrat
    Validation of Three Cell Toxicity Tests and the Hen’s Egg Test with Guinea Pig Eye and Human Skin Irritation Data
    Christoph A. Reinhardt, Martin Aeschbacher, Max Bracher, and Jochen Spengler
    Evaluating the Percutaneous Absorption of Polynuclear Aromatics Using In Vivoand In Vitro Techniques and Structure Activity Relationships
    Timothy A. Roy, Joseph J. Yang, and Maria H. Czerwinski
    A Comparison of the Toxicity of the Acrylamide, Cyclophosphamide, Chlordecone, and Diethylstilbestrol in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) Cells with Their Toxicity In Vivo
    Jane Ellen Simmons, Marcus Jackson, Joellen Lewtas, and Ezra Berman
    Ocular Lens Organ Culture System for In Vitro Toxicology
    J.G. Sivak, D. Gershon, A. Dovrat, and J. Weerheim
    Clonal Cultures of RPE Cells as Sensitive Indicators of Agents Affecting Terminal Differentiation
    Sabine H.H. Swierenga, Ursula Vielkind, and Fai Lee
    Validation of the Becam Assay – An Eye Irritancy Screening Test
    Peter J.J.M. Weterings and Yvette H.M. van Erp