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Alternative Methods In Toxicology 9

  • 저자 Alan M. Goldberg
  • 출판사 Mary Ann Liebert, Ins.
  • 출판일 1993
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    In Vitro Toxicology : Tenth Anniversary Symposium of CAAT



    Part One: Symposium Presentations

    In Vitro Approaches to Neurotoxicity
    Cholinergic Cell Lines as Models for Testing Drug Efficacy and Toxicity
    J.K. Blusztajin, A. Venturini, D.A. Jackson, U. Schuler, H.J. Lee, and B.H. Wainer
    Electrophysiological Approaches to In Vitro Neurotoxicology
    J. van den Bercken, M. Oortgiessen, T. Leinders, and H.P.M. Vijverberg
    Development of an In Vitro Hippocampal Brain Slice Screen for Neurotoxicity
    S.B. Fountain and J.D. Rowan
    An In Vitro Model for Human Peripheral Nerve Demyelination
    J.L. Rutkowski and G.I. Tennekoon
    Mechanisms of Dermatotoxicity
    In Vitro Models to Evaluate Agents that Contribute to Cutaneous Carcinogenesis
    S.H. Yuspa
    S.E. Ullrich
    The Epidermal Response to Retinoic Acid in Cell Culture and In Vivo
    D.S. Rosenthal, C.E.M. Griffiths, J.J. Vorhees, and S.H. Yuspa
    Development of New Biological Components for Toxicity Testing Systems
    Immortalization of Cells
    H.C. Isom and J-M. Hu
    Steps in the Development of an In Vitro Nasal Toxic Responses Assay: Comparison of Carboxylesterase in Human and Rat Nasal Tissue
    P.M. Mattes and W.B. Mattes
    Development of a Characterized Human Renal Proximal Tubule Cell Line
    L.C. Racusen and J.S. Rhim
    Draize Eye Testing Alternatives – A Perspective
    J.P. McCulley and T.J. Stephens
    A Ten-Year Progress Report of the Center
    Pride and Prejudice: Ten Years of CAAT – An Industry Perspective
    S.D. Gettings
    Alternatives in the 90s: What Next?
    A Ten-Year Progress Report of The Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing: A Governmental Perspective
    G.B. Guest
    A Report from the Center’s Director
    A.M. Goldberg
    New Technologies
    Flow Cytometry – High Speed Approaches to Detecting Cellular Structure, Mechanism, and Function
    L.A. Sklar
    Calcium Measurements in the Assessment of In Vitro Toxicity
    B.F. Trump, P.T. Jain, P.C. Phelps, S.H. Chang, and I.K. Berezesky
    In Vitro Toxicology and Risk Assessment
    K. Krishnan, M.L. Gargas, and M.E. Andersen
    Part 2: Poster Abstracts

    Dermal Toxicity
    Inflammatory Mediators from Reconstituted Human Skin Models Treated With Formulated Cosmetic Products
    W.E. Dressler, T.J. Stephens, H. Kasbarian, and E.T. Spence
    Expression of the Antigen Presenting Cell Molecule, B7 in Normal Human Skin
    A.A. Gaspari
    Use of Multiple Endpoints for Assessing Chemical Insult in an Organotypic Skin Culture
    R. Gay, M. Swiderek, A. Ernesti, D. Nelson, and A.M. Kligman
    An In Vitro Cytotoxicty Test on JB6 (clone 41) Mouse Epidermal Cells: A Potential Model for Prediction of In Vivo Toxicity
    P.T. Jain, I.K. Berezesky, and B.F. Trump
    Prediction of Eye Irritancy by a Combined Method of In Vivo Primary Rabbit Skin Irritation Test and In Vitro Cytotoxicty Test
    H. Kojima, A. Sato, S. Miyamoto, Y. Kawai, I. Ishii, and H. Konishi
    Evaluation of the Skin Irritation Potential of Petroleum Based Compounds in a Reconstituted Human Skin Model
    F.J. Koschier, R.N. Roth, T.J. Stephens, E.T. Spence, H. Kasbarian, and M.A. Duke
    Application of the Skintex System to the Evaluation of Cosmetic Products
    F.H. Kruszewski, M.S. Dickens, V.C. Gordon, and K.J. Renskers
    Potential Irritation by Dermatological Vehicles Assessed with In Vivo and In Vitro Tests
    S. Matsumoto, J. Cheng, R. Oda, S. Sabatine, C. Anger, O. Angelov, J. Andersen, D. Sullivan, B. Brar, G. Ewing, J. Trogden, and P. Lasker
    Interaction of Benzopsoralen with NCTC 2544, HELA, and HL60 Cells
    P.P. Parnigotto, M.T. Conconi, M. Moras, V. Bassani, and A. Chilin
    Evaluation of an In Vitro Photoirritation Assay
    R.J. Soto, J.S. Griesemer, V.C. Gordon, and J. Acevedo
    An In Vitro Skin Model for the Study of Keratinocyte Responses to Irritants
    S.R. Slivka, F. Zeigler, and R.K. Bartel
    Cytotoxicity Testing Using a Three-Dimensional In Vitro Model of the Human Dermis and Six Different Assay Systems
    D. Triglia, S.S. Braa, I. Kidd, and T. Donnelly
    A Three-Dimensional In Vitro Human Skin Model for Toxicity Testing of Topically Applied Test Materials
    D. Triglia, T. Donnelly, I. Kidd, and S.S. Braa
    Development of a Three-Dimensional In Vitro Oral Mucosa Model
    M.P. Zimber, L. Odioso, F. Zeigler, M. Doyle, D. Triglia, and R. Bartel
    Development and Application of Human Cell Lines Expressing Individual or Multiple Human Cytochrome P450s
    C.L. Crespi, B.W. Penman, R. Langenbach, H.V. Gelboin, D.T. Steimel, and F.J. Gonzalez
    The Assessment of a Micronuclei-Induction Assay to Evaluate the In Vitro Genotoxicity of Respirable Dusts
    D. Nadeau and D. Lane
    New Metoblite Profile of Tolbutamide in Male and Female Rats. A Study With Precision-Cut Liver Slices and Isolated Hepatocytes
    P. Dogterom and G. Zbinden
    In Vitro Culture of Fish Hepatocytes and Their Use to Assess Marine Pollution
    M. Faisal and B.J. Rutan
    Use of Histological and Biochemical Criteria for Assessing the Hepatocellular Alterations in Rat Liver Slices
    F. Goethals, V. Allaeys, E. Caillau, P. Buc-Calderon, and M. Roberfroid
    Cultured Human Hepatocytes – A Model for Drug Metabolism/Toxicity Studies
    G.M. Hawksworth, L. Abernethy, s. Barnard, J.A. Coundouris, M.H. Grant, C.K. Lindsay, and V. Maitland
    Liver Crude Membrane Fractions From Rat Liver Improve the Maintenance of Liver Specific Functions in Long Term, Serum Free Rat Hepatocyte Cultures
    B. Saad, H. Schawalder, and P. Maier
    The Enhanced Responsiveness of Hepatocytes to Growth Factors as a Result of Estrogen Treatment
    N. Ni and J.D. Yager
    Effect of Culture Conditions on the Maintenance of Xenobiotic Metabolism in Primary Rat Hepatocytes In Vitro
    J. Zurlo, L.M. Arterburn, E.E. Stickler, R.M. Barry, J.M. Frazier, and J.D. Yager
    Glutathione Depletion Increases the Cytotoxic Effect of Fumonisin In Vitro
    C. Azuka, G.D. Osweiler, D.L. Reynolds, M. Howard, and Y. Niyo
    Inhibition of Protein Synthesis in Hepatocytes During Hypoxia: An Early Cytoxic Event or an Adaptative Cellular Response?
    V. Lefebvre, M. Van Steenbrugge, I. Goffin, M. Roberfroid, and P. Buc-Calderon
    Toxicity of Formate in Dissociated Primary Neural Cultures
    D.C. Dorman, B. Bolon, and K.T. Morgan
    Mechanisms of Butylated Hydroxytoluene Hydroperoxide-Stimulated Toxicity and Changes in Gene Expression in Mouse Epidermal Cell Line PA
    K.Z. Guyton, L.J. Prestigiacomo, N.E. Davidson, and T.W. Kensler
    Regulation of Catalase Gene Expression by Copper
    P.J. Lapinskas and V. Culotta
    In Vitro Studies Examining the Role of Copper and Glutathione in Hydroquinone-Induced Cytotoxicity to Primary Bone Marrow Stromal Cells
    Y. Li and M.A. Trush
    Analysis of the Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Associated to the Respiratory Burst of Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophages (PAM) Exposed In Vitro to Man-Made Fibres (MMF)
    D. Nadeau and D. Lane
    Methods Development
    Evaluation of a Group of Petrochemicals Using Clonetics’ Neutral Red Bioassay to Predict Irritancy
    R. Barstad, J. Janus, J. Lauten, N. Accomando, and A. Triana
    Evaluating Teratogen Exposure Utilizing hsp 27 cDNA
    N. Bournias-Vardiabasis, K. Hopkins, and B. Wang
    A Non-Invasive Biotest for Occupational Exposure to Weak or Non-Mutagenic Toxicants
    M.J.W. Chang, M.T. Chou, and R.S. Lin
    An In Vitro Model for Studying Cochlear Toxicity
    W.J. Clerici and L.D. Fechter
    An In Vitro Assay to Evaluate Albumin Binding of Toxicants
    J.M. Frazier and S. Dacosta
    Using Real-Time/Kinetic Viability Assays to Measure Acute Toxicity In Vitro
    J.F. Hamberger, J.S. Vaughan, and D.A. Porter
    In Vitro Differentiation Using Blastocyst-Derived Euploid Embryonal Stem (E8) Cells of the Mouse: A New Approach to In Vitro Tetratogenesis Testing
    G. Klein, A. Poting, and H. Speilmann
    A Novel Cytotoxicity Screening Assay Using a Multi-Well Fluorescence Scanner: Correlation With LDH Release and Draize Eye Scores
    A.L. Nieminen, P. Merrick, R.A. Harper, G.J. Gores, J.M. Bond, R. Imberti, B. Herman, and J.J. Lemasters
    An In Vitro Model for Investigating the Effects of Xenobiotics on the Differentiation of Monocytic Cells
    S.J. Rembish, R.W. Craig, and M.A. Trush
    Specific Application of In Vitro Technologies for Product Development
    P.M. Silber and C.E. Ruegg
    Human Bronchial Cell Culture System
    J. Stengel, J. Janus, J. Cortesi, M. Coleman, and J. Reseau
    Multicentre Initial Validation of a Tiered System for the In Vitro Detection of Neurotoxicity
    C.K. Atterwill
    Cytotoxic Effects of Organophosphorus Esters and Other Neurotoxic Chemicals on Cultured Cells
    A.C. Nostrandt, T.K. Rowles, and M. Ehrich
    Acrylamide Toxicity Studied in Culture Neuroblastoma Cells After Exposure to a Neurophathy-Inducing Organophosphorus Compound, MIPAFOX
    D. Taylor, T.K. Rowles, A.C. Nostrandt, and M. Ehrich
    A Multiple Cell-Culture Toxicity Test Scheme for the Identification of Neurotoxic Compounds
    E. Walum
    An In Vitro Model of Drug Neurotoxicity in the Developing Nervous System
    A.D. Weissman and B.L. Crenshaw
    Ocular Toxicity
    Evaluation of Two In Vitro Methods as Predictors of Ocular Irritation of Shampoo Formulations
    L. Bernhofer, C. Juneja, and C.W. Stott
    Surfactants Toxicity Determined In Vitro by Silicon Microphysiometer
    P. Catroux, A.C. Eber, P. Panfili, K.G. Dossou, A. Rougier, G. Humphries, and M. Cottin
    Evaluation of the Eytex System for Use as a Predictor of Ocular Irritancy of Shampoo
    D. Decker and R. Harper
    A 10-Company Collaborative Evaluation of Alternatives to the Eye Irritation Test Using Chemical Intermediates
    D.M. Galer, R. Curren, S.C. Gad, P. Gautheron, B. Leong, K. Miller, E. Sargent, P.V. Shah, J. Sina, and R.G. Sussman
    Characterization and Evaluation of an Ordered Macromolecular Matrix to be Used to Predict In Vivo Ocular Irritation
    V.C. Gordon
    Application of the Computer Automated Structure Evaluation for Toxicology (Case Tox) Methodology to the In Vitro Assessment of the Eye Irritation Potential of Chemicals, Chemical Mixtures, and Polymers
    G. Klopman, D. Ptchelintsev, M. Frierson, S. Pennisi, K. Renskers, and M. Dickenson
    Use of Four In Vitro Assays to Evaluate the Ocular Irritation Potential of Hair Care Products
    L.K. Lake, T.J. Stephens, and E.T. Spence
    An In Vitro Method to Formulate Low Adverse Effects Shampoos
    M. Marinovich, B. Viviani, and C.L. Galli
    The Trans-Epithelial Permeability Assay as an In Vitro Assay for Predicting Ocular Irritation of Surfactant Formulations
    K.M. Martin and C.W. Stott
    A Toxicity Evaluation by the Microtox Assay of Twenty Surfactant-Containing Products and Their Constituent Surfactants and Preservatives
    K.A. Miller, R.W. Stahl, F.S. Marchesani, J.W. Harbell, K.A. Wallace, F.H. Kruszewski, K.J. Renskers, and R.D. Curren
    Cytotoxicity of Benzalkonium Chloride (BAK) is Dependent on the Alkyl Chain Length of the Homologs
    R.M. Oda, A. Hayashi, S. Hickok, and S. Matsumoto
    Development of an In Vitro Assay for Ocular Irritancy Assessments of Aqueous Incompatible Substances
    R. Osborne, M.A. Perkins, D.A. Roberts, and L.H. Bruner
    The Chicken Enucleated-Eye-Test (CEET) as an Alternative to the Draize Eye Test
    M.K. Prinsen and H.B.W.M. Koeter
    The Computer Automated Structure Evaluation for Toxicology (Case Tox) Methodology as an In Vitro Assessment of the Eye Irritation Potential
    D. Ptchelintsev, M. Frierson, S. Pennisi, K. Renskers, M. Dickens, and G. Klopman
    The Use of a Three-Dimensional Skin Model for Predicting Ocular Irritancy
    B. Reece and M. Rozen
    Results of the German Validation Project of Alternatives to the Draize Eye Test
    H. Spielmann, M. Liebsch, I. Gerner, S. Kalweit, and T. Wirnsberger
    In Vitro Cell Culture Investigation of Fish Eye Lens Cataract
    C.D. Williams, R.J. Huggett, and M. Faisal
    The Use of Normal Human Keratinocytes and the Neutral Red Uptake Bioassay to Assess the First 30 MEIC Compounds
    R.D. Curren, K.A. Wallace, J. Janus, and J.W. Harbell
    Preliminary Results of the MEIC Programmer – A Summary
    B. Ekwall and E. Walum
    IVT Databank Project Results: PC Software for Managing In Vitro Toxicity Testing Data
    M.R. Green and J.M. Frazier
    The Problem of Collinearity and the Validation of In Vitro Tests
    R.L. Lipnick