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KIC3Rs > Resource > 동물대상연구 > Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue4)

Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue4)

  • 저자
  • 출판사 The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
  • 출판일 2013
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 동물대상연구
  • 세부분야 신경계
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어
    Observing lame sheep: evaluating test agreement between group-level and individual animal methods of assessment 
    pp. 417-422(6) 
    Authors: Phythian, CJ; Cripps, PC; Grove-White, D; Jones, PH; Michalopoulou, E; Duncan, JS
    Short-term welfare implications of capture-mark-recapture trapping of medium-sized mammals: the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) as a case study 
    pp. 423-428(6) 
    Authors: Cowan, P; Forrester, G; Warburton, B
    Establishing  quality of life  parameters using behavioural guidelines for humane euthanasia of captive non-human primates 
    pp. 429-435(7) 
    Authors: Lambeth, SP; Schapiro, SJ; Bernacky, BJ; Wilkerson, GK
    A survey of foot problems, stereotypic behaviour and floor type in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in European zoos 
    pp. 437-443(7) 
    Authors: Haspeslagh, M; Stevens, JMG; De Groot, E; Dewulf, J; Kalmar, ID; Moons, CPH
    Does short-term road transport affect the locomotion score of dairy cows? 
    pp. 445-447(3) 
    Authors: Thomsen, PT; Sørensen, JT
    Hormonal stress response of laboratory mice to conventional and minimally invasive bleeding techniques 
    pp. 449-455(7) 
    Authors: Voigt, CC; Klockner, P; Touma, C; Neuschl, C; Brockmann, G; Goritz, F; Palme, R; Thomsen, R
    Effects of the level of experience of horses and their riders on cortisol release, heart rate and heart-rate variability during a jumping course 
    pp. 457-465(9) 
    Authors: Ille, N; von Lewinski, M; Erber, R; Wulf, M; Aurich, J; Mostl, E; Aurich, C
    Seasonal pattern of salivary cortisol secretion in the greater one-horned rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis) 
    pp. 467-472(6) 
    Authors: Menargues, A; Urios, V; Liminana, R
    Assessment of stun quality at commercial slaughter in cattle shot with captive bolt 
    pp. 473-481(9) 
    Authors: Atkinson, S; Velarde, A; Algers, B
    Behaviour of laboratory mice is altered by light pollution within the housing environment 
    pp. 483-487(5) 
    Authors: Bedrosian, TA; Vaughn, CA; Weil, ZM; Nelson, RJ
    Free Content Reports and Comments 
    pp. 489-491(3)
    Free Content Book Reviews 
    pp. 493-502(10)