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KIC3Rs > Resource > 동물대상연구 > Animal Welfare (Vol. 23, Issue2)

Animal Welfare (Vol. 23, Issue2)

  • 저자
  • 출판사 UFAW
  • 출판일 2014
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 동물대상연구
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    Captive bears are prone to developing dental pathology for resons including longevity, inappropriate diet, trauma, and stereotypical bar biting.

    Behavioural assessment of dental pain in captive Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) 
    pp. 131-140(10) 
    Authors: Fleming, M; Burn, CC
    Sedation of western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus ocydromus) with tiletamine-zolazepam 
    pp. 141-144(4) 
    Authors: Mayberry, C; Bencini, R; Mawson, PR; Maloney, SK
    Are severely depressed suckling pigs resistant to gas euthanasia? 
    pp. 145-155(11) 
    Authors: Sadler, LJ; Karriker, LA; Schwartz, KJ; Johnson, AK; Widowski, TM; Wang, C; Sutherland, MA; Millman, ST
    The use of in-depth interviews to understand the process of treating lame dairy cows from the farmers? perspective 
    pp. 157-165(9) 
    Authors: Horseman, SV; Roe, EJ; Huxley, JN; Bell, NJ; Mason, CS; Whay, HR
    Abnormal behaviour in captive sooty mangabeys 
    pp. 167-177(11) 
    Authors: Crast, J; Bloomsmith, MA; Perlman, JE; Meeker, TL; Remillard, CM
    Lameness is consistently better at predicting broiler chicken performance in mobility tests than other broiler characteristics 
    pp. 179-187(9) 
    Authors: Caplen, G; Hothersall, B; Nicol, CJ; Parker, RMA; Waterman-Pearson, AE; Weeks, CA; Murrell, JC
    Estimating the economic value of Australian stock herding dogs 
    pp. 189-197(9) 
    Authors: Arnott, ER; Early, JB; Wade, CM; McGreevy, PD
    Characteristics of 24 cases of animal hoarding in Spain 
    pp. 199-208(10) 
    Authors: Calvo, P; Duarte, C; Bowen, J; Bulbena, A; Fatjo, J
    Effects of pre-transport nutrient supplementation and transport duration on the post-transport blood biochemistry, bodyweight and welfare of ostriches 
    pp. 209-217(9) 
    Authors: Bejaei, M; Bennett, DC; Schaefer, AL; Cheng, KM
    Measuring the efficacy of flunixin meglumine and meloxicam for lame sows using nociceptive threshold tests 
    pp. 219-229(11) 
    Authors: Pairis-Garcia, MD; Johnson, AK; Stalder, KJ; Karriker, LA; Coetzee, JF; Millman, ST
    Reports and Comments 
    pp. 231-233(3)
    Book Reviews 
    pp. 235-238(4)