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Animal Welfare (vol. 28, Issue3)

  • 저자
  • 출판사 UFAW
  • 출판일 20190801
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 Animal Welfare
  • 세부분야 animal welfare
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어 ENG
  • 주제어 animal welfare

    Volume 28 number 3

    • Redefining human-animal relationships: an evaluation of methods to allow their emperical measurement in zoos. F Patel, K Whitehouse-Tedd and SJ Ward
    • Is the rotarod test an objective alternative to the gait score for evaluating walking ability in chickens? J Malchow, A Dudde, J Berk, ET Krause, O Sanders, B Puppe and L Schrader
    • Preference for and behavioural response to environmental enrichment in a small population of sexually mature, commercial boars. LV Sirovica, M Creamer and KM Horback
    • The development of fault bars in domestic chickens (Gallus gallus  domesticus) increases with acute stressors and individual propensity: implications for animal welfare. A Arrazola and S Torrey
    • Assessment of welfare and brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome signs in young, breeding age French Bulldogs and Pugs, using owner questionnaire, physical examination and walk tests. M Aromaa, L Lilja-Maula and MM Rajamäki
    • The recognition of canine behaviours, and potentially hazardous Catch-Neuter-Return practices by animal care professionals. HJ Bacon, H Walters, V Vancia and N Waran
    • The representativeness of a semi-random sampling method for animal welfare assessments on mink farms. AF Marsbøll, BIF Henriksen and SH Møller
    • Post-natal development of EEG responses to noxious stimulation in pigs (Sus scrofa) aged 1–15 days. NJ Kells, NJ Beausoleil, MA Sutherland and CB Johnson
    • Development of a welfare assessment protocol for dairy calves from birth through to weaning. J Barry, E Kennedy, R Sayers, IJM de Boer and EAM Bokkers
    • Animal health and welfare state and technical efficiency of dairy farms: possible synergies. L Tremetsberger, C Winckler and J Kantelhardt
    • Application of a welfare assessment tool (Shelter Quality Protocol) in 64 Italian long-term dogs’ shelters: welfare hazard analysis. L Arena, GV Berteselli, F Lombardo, L Candeloro, P Dalla Villa and F De Massis
    • Changes in the welfare of mink (Neovison vison) with date of assessment in the winter and growth periods have limited effects on the WelFur categorisation. AF Marsbøll, BIF Henriksen, BK Hansen and SH Møller