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ATLA Alternatives to laboratory animal(vol.49, No.5)

  • 저자
  • 출판사 FRAME
  • 출판일 September 2021
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어 ENG
  • 주제어

    Editorial 163

    Spotlight on Three Rs Progress 165

    Resources Round-up 168

    Dr Robert Combes (1946–2021) 171


    Zebrafish Beyond the Bench: The ‘Plataforma Zebrafish Open Doors’ Programme 175
    Geonildo Rodrigo Disner, Maria Alice Pimentel Falcão, Carla Lima and Monica Lopes-Ferreira

    It’s Time to Include Harm to Humans in Harm–Benefit Analysis — But How to Do It, That is the Question 182
    Michael Balls

    Review Article

    A Systematic Review of Published Physiologically-based Kinetic Models and an Assessment of their Chemical Space Coverage 197
    Courtney V. Thompson, James W. Firman, Michael R. Goldsmith, Christopher M. Grulke, Yu-Mei Tan, Alicia Paini, Peter E. Penson, Risa R. Sayre, Steven Webb and Judith C. Madden

    Research Article

    Comparison of Long-term Human Precision-cut Lung Slice Culture Methodology and Response to Challenge:An Argument for Standardisation 209
    Vivek Patel, Khalid Amin, David Allen, Lindsey Ukishima, Adam Wahab, Chad Grodi and Holger Behrsing

    Conference Diary 223