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ATLA Alternatives to laboratory animal(vol.50, No.3)

  • 저자
  • 출판사 FRAME
  • 출판일 2022.05.17
  • 열람방법 무료
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어 ENG
  • 주제어

    Editorial 177
    Spotlight on Three Rs Progress 179
    Resources Round-up 182

    50th Anniversary Article
    The Use of Simulators for Teaching Practical Clinical Skills to Veterinary Students — A Review 184
    Helen R. Braid

    Research Articles
    A Low-fidelity Simulator for the Development of Vascular Ligation Skills 195
    Juan Jose Perez-Rivero, Ileana Mar ´ ´ıa Barbosa-Callejas, Lilia Delgado-Garduño, Lidia Rodr´ıguez-Buitrón, Amira Eunice Lavalle-Avalos and Jose Antonio Herrera-Barragan ´
    Evaluation of a Low-cost Renal Simulator for the Diagnostic Ultrasound Training of Veterinary Medicine
    Students 201
    Angel R. Lozada-Gallegos, Irma Campero-Ru´ız Velasco and Juan J. Perez-Rivero ´
    The Use of 3-D Models of Echocardiographic Imaging Planes for Teaching Echocardiography Techniques for Use in Dogs and Cats 208
    Bruna N. da Costa, Marlos G. Sousa, Fernanda N. Tanji, Mariana Ulanin, Marcela Wolf and Simone T. O. Stedile
    The Perceptions of Students and Lecturers on the Use of Animals in Biomedical Science Undergraduate
    Education in Brazil 221
    Paula S. Matos, Bruna dos Santos Rodrigues, Tha´ıs de Oliveira Fernandes, Renato Ivan de Avila and Marize C. Valadares ´
    Educators’ Views on the Use of Dissection and Dissection Alternatives in American Biology Classrooms 235
    Pamela Osenkowski, Ignas Karaliunas and Merari Diorio

    Conference Diary 244