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ATLA Alternatives to laboratory animal(vol.50, No.4)

  • 저자
  • 출판사 FRAME
  • 출판일 2022.07
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어 ENG
  • 주제어


    Editorial 249

    Spotlight on Three Rs Progress 251

    Resources Round-up 253

    50th Anniversary Article
    The Evolution of Regulatory Toxicology: Where is the Gardener? 255
    Robert Landsiedel, Barbara Birk and Dorothee Funk-Weyer

    2021 Michael Balls Award 263

    Review Articles
    The Use of Human Tissues for Research: What Investigators Need to Know 265
    Marianna J. Bledsoe and William E. Grizzle
    Biobank Personnel — The Key to its Success 275
    Anna Chróscicka, Angelika Paluch, Ilona Kalaszczy ´ nska and Ilona Szab ´ łowska-Gadomska

    Research Article
    Development of an Accessible Gene Expression Bioinformatics Pipeline to Study Driver Mutations of
    Colorectal Cancer
    Lisa van den Driest, Caroline H. Johnson, Nicholas J.W. Rattray and Zahra Rattray

    Workshop Report
    Ciliary Beat Frequency: Proceedings and Recommendations from a Multi-laboratory Ring Trial Using 3-D
    Reconstituted Human Airway Epithelium to Model Mucociliary Clearance 293
    Holger P. Behrsing, Adam Wahab, Lindsey Ukishima, Chad Grodi, Stefan Frentzel, Stephanie Johne, Shinkichi Ishikawa, Shigeaki Ito,
    Roman Wieczorek, Jessica Budde, Brian M. Keyser, Linsey E. Haswell, David Thorne, Emma Bishop, Damien Breheny, Xuefei Cao,
    Qin Qin and Vivek Patel

    Conference Diary 310