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ATLA Alternatives to laboratory animal(vol.50, No.5)

  • 저자
  • 출판사 Frame
  • 출판일 2022.10
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어 ENG
  • 주제어


    Editorial 315

    Spotlight on Three Rs Progress 317

    Resources Round-up 320

    50th Anniversary Article
    A History of Regulatory Animal Testing: What Can We Learn? 322
    Doortje Swaters, Anne van Veen, Wim van Meurs, Janette Ellen Turner and Merel Ritskes-Hoitinga

    Review Article
    Case Studies Exemplifying the Transition to Animal Component-free Cell Culture 330
    Tilo Weber, Joachim Wiest, Stina Oredsson and Karen Bieback

    Research Articles
    An Evaluation of Different Types of Peptone as Partial Substitutes for Animal-derived Serum in Vero
    Cell Culture 339
    Chloe Lezin, Philippe Mauduit, Georges Uzan and Mohamed Essameldin Abdelgawad
    Transparency in Non-Technical Project Summaries to Promote the Three Rs in Respiratory Disease Research 349
    Martina Bonassera, Esther Clews and Kelly BeruB ´ e´

    Addressing Animal Welfare Issues in Fetal Blood Collection for Fetal Bovine Serum Production 365
    Terence J. McCann and Carol Treasure

    Conference Diary 369