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ATLA Alternatives to laboratory animal(vol.51, No.5)

  • 저자
  • 출판사 FRAME
  • 출판일 2023.10
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어 ENG
  • 주제어


    Editorial 293

    Spotlight on Three Rs Progress   295

    Resources Round-up   298

    Research Articles   301
    Modelling the Sorafenib-resistant Liver Cancer Microenvironment by Using 3-D Spheroids
    Ece Sariyar and Zeynep Firtina Karagonlar
    The Use of In Silico Methods to Identify and Assess Antigenic Regions Suitable for the Development of
    Peptide-based Pan-viral Vaccines
    Shayana Saravanakumar and Jhinuk Chatterjee
    Evaluating the Impact of Hair Care Product Exposure on Hair Follicle and Scalp Health
    Ernest S. Fung, Jillian A. Parker and Andrew D. Monnot

    Comment   335
    Development of Two Korean IACUC Guidance Documents to Foster Implementation of the Three Rs
    Gwi Hyang Lee, Heui-Jin Kim, Young-Shin Joo, Seung Yeon Kim, Barney Reed, Lynette A. Hart and Byung In Choe

    Conference Diary   350