Media headlines about research misconduct in American Universities have focused public attention on the dramatic ethical problems that can arise during the conductof research. In the current atmosphere of accountability, scientific research on humans is now under increased scrutiny by the media, Congress and the public. Ethics of the Use of Human Subjects in Research fills the need for learning materials and strategies providing support for training programs related to the ethics of the use of human subjects in research. It presents a practical introduction to the ethical issues at stake in the conduct of research with human subjects. Beginning with a chapter on research ethics, a total of 10 chapters range in scope from the deveolopment of a protocol for ethical decision making to how to obtain IRB approval, with an emphasis on ethical factors underpinning the IRB process.

KIC3Rs > Resource > 기타 > (B181) Ethics of the Use of Human Subjects In Research
(B181) Ethics of the Use of Human Subjects In Research
- 저자 Adil E. Shamoo and Felix A. Khin-Maung-Gyi
- 출판사
- 출판일 2002
- 열람방법 무료/방문
- 분야 기타
- 세부분야 신경계
- 유형 도서/학술지
- 언어
- 주제어