Personalist Bioethics calls us to reflect on the intimate meaning of human existence and the social environment, going beyond any specific religious perspective and invoking human reason. It advances a metaphysics that is rationally grounded in philosophical anthropology and has a broad range of ethical applications for professors of bioethics, members of ethics committees, bioethics students, and those interested in the field in general, whether in medicine, law, or philosophy. Readers will find a presentation and discussion of the basic contours of personalist bioethics, comparisons of personalism with other philosophical positions, and ethical investigations of particular topics, ranging from genetic engineering to euthanasia. Translated by John A. Di Camillo and Michael J. Miller.

KIC3Rs > Resource > 기타 > (B7) Personalist Bioethics: Foundations and Applications
(B7) Personalist Bioethics: Foundations and Applications
- 저자 Elio Sgreccia , John A. Di Camillo , Michael J. Miller
- 출판사
- 출판일 2012
- 열람방법 무료/방문
- 분야 기타
- 유형 도서/학술지
- 언어
- 주제어