This book from the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity provides a faith-based evaluation of recent technologies and trends in bioethics–including the current debate surrounding stem cell research. Fifteen noted scholars and medical practitioners discuss some of today’s new and controversial work in biomedicine–xenotransplantation, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and more–and evaluate from a Christian perspective both the science and the ethical questions it raises. Designed to orient general readers to the current state of biomedical research, Cutting-Edge Bioethics is must reading for anyone wishing to confront and wrestle with the challenging moral issues posed by this ever-advancing field.

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(B90) Cutting-Edge Bioethics
- 저자 John F. Kilner C. Christopher Hook Diann B. Uustal
- 출판사
- 출판일 2002
- 열람방법 무료/방문
- 분야 기타
- 유형 도서/학술지
- 언어
- 주제어