Neuroscience has dramatically increased understanding of how mental states and processes are realized by the brain, thus opening doors for treating the multitude of ways in which minds become dysfunctional. This book explores questions such as when is it permissible to alter a person’s memories, influence personality traits or read minds? What can neuroscience tell us about free will, self-control, self-deception and the foundations of morality? The view of neuroethics offered here argues that many of our new powers to read ,alter and control minds are not entirely unparalleled with older ones. They have, however, expanded to include almost all our social, political and ethical decisions. Written primarily for graduate students, this book will appeal to anyone with an interest in the more philosophical and ethical aspects of the neurosciences.

KIC3Rs > Resource > 기타 > (B97) Neuroethics Challenges for the 21st Century
(B97) Neuroethics Challenges for the 21st Century
- 저자 Neil Levy
- 출판사
- 출판일 2007
- 열람방법 무료/방문
- 분야 기타
- 세부분야 신경계
- 유형 도서/학술지
- 언어
- 주제어