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KIC3Rs > Resource > 동물대상연구 > 3Rs Alternatives > BIOLAB Fish


  • 저자
  • 출판사 Carolina
  • 출판일 2003
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 DVD/CD
  • 언어 ENG
  • 주제어

    This 3-in-1 CD-ROM covers the external and internal anatomy of each species.

    Virtual minilabs include an interactive comparison of fish and a closer look at respiration rate, capillary flows, and dissolved oxygen. Offers flexibility-students can work on their own prior to, during, and after a “wet” lab to enhance their exploration and comprehension.

    For a demonstration go to http://www.biolabsoftware.com.