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KIC3Rs > Resource > 동물대상연구 > 3Rs Alternatives > Inflammation Pharmacology

Inflammation Pharmacology

  • 저자
  • 출판사 Sheffield BioScience Programs
  • 출판일 1999
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 세부분야 약리 호흡/순환기계
  • 유형 DVD/CD
  • 언어 ENG
  • 주제어

    염증반응과 약리학적 처치에 대한 시뮬레이터. 
    학생들이 직접 실험을 설계하고 그에 대한 결과를 확인할 수 있음. 퀴즈프로그램도 포함.

    This program simulates a range of experiments designed to demonstrate the action of inflammatory mediators and pharmacological agents on the in vivo  inflammatory response in the anaesthetised rabbit, using data obtained from actual experiments.

    Introduction and Methods sections combine text and high-resolution graphics to describe the animal preparation, the methods employed to measure oedema formation and neutrophil accumulation, and to provide the student with the essential background information required to understand the inflammatory response.

    The Experiments section allows the user to study the effects of the following agents on oedema formation (and where appropriate on neutrophil numbers) in normal rabbits:

    1. A range of direct mediators of increased microvascular permeability, either alone (dose-response relationships), in the presence of a vasodilator (PGE2) or with receptor antagonists;

    2. A range of agents which cause inflammation principally via neutrophil accumulation, either alone  (dose-response relationships), or in the presence of a vasodilator (PGE2); the effects of neutrophil depletion and the importance of adhesion molecules are also covered;

    3. Non-steroidal (local and systemic effects) and steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.

    A section describing the results of selected experiments using sensitised rabbits is also included and covers the IgG (Reverse Passive Arthus response) and IgE response.

    Results are presented in graphical form either as bar charts or line graphs