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KIC3Rs > Resource > 동물대상연구 > Principles of Laboratory Animal Science

Principles of Laboratory Animal Science

  • 저자 L.F.M van Zutphen, V. Baumans, A.C. Beynen
  • 출판사 ELSEVIER
  • 출판일 2001
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 동물대상연구
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    Revised Edition


    Preface. Contributors. Introduction (L.F.M. van Zutphen). Legislation and animal experimentation (P.C.M. de Greeve, J. Hampson, L.F.M. van Zutphen). Biology and husbandry of laboratory animals (R. Havenaar, J.C. Meijer, D.B. Morton, J. Ritskes-Hoitinga, P. Zwart). Behaviour, stress and well-being (J.M. Koolhaas, V. Baumans, H.J.M. Blom, D. von Holst, P.J.A. Timmermans, P.R. Wiepkema). Standardization of animal experimentation (A.C. Beynen, K. Gärtner, L.F.M. van Zutphen). Nutrition and experimental results (A.C. Beynen, M.E. Coates). Genetic standardization (L.F.M. van Zutphen, H.J. Hedrich, H.A. van Lith, J.B. Prins). Microbiological standardization (R. Boot, J.P. Koopman, I. Kunstýl). Diseases of laboratory animals (J.E. van Dijk, H. van Herck, M.C. Bosland). Animal models (A.C. Beynen, J. Hau). Phases in an animal experiment (A.C. Beynen, M.F.W. Festing). Design of animal experiments (A.C. Beynen, M.F.W. Festing, M.A.J. van Montfort). Organization and management of animal experiments (A.E.J.M. van den Bogaard, R. Fosse, R.G.M. ten Berg, J.T.W.A. Strik). Recognition of pain and distress ((V. Baumans, P.F. Brain). Anaesthesia, analgesia and euthanasia (L.J. Hellebrekers, L.H.D.J. Booij, P. Flecknell). Experimental procedures (V. Baumans, R. Remie, H.J. Hackbarth, A. Timmerman). Reduction and replacement concepts in animal experimentation (J. Nab, M. Balls, J.B.F. van der Valk, C.F.M. Hendriksen). Ethical aspects of animal experimentation (Tj. de Cock Buning, F.R. Heeger, H. Verhoog). Annex. Index