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Why Animal Studies Are Still Being Used In Drug Development

  • 저자 Marlous Kooijman
  • 출판사 GVO drukkers & vormgevers B.V
  • 출판일 2007
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 동물대상연구
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    1.   IntroductIon       9

     1.1    Background       9

     1.2    objectives and research question    15

     1.3    thesis outline      16
    2.   theoretIcal background      17

     2.1    insights from innovation theory     17

     2.2    Lock-in, institutional theory and innovation   19
    3.   research desIgn       23

     3.1    substituting animal studies in established drug development processes       23

     3.2    Adopting innovative methods in novel drug development processes of new drug classes   25
    4.   conclusIon & dIscussIon      28

     4.1    Understanding the lock-in of animal studies in drug development 28

     4.2    escaping the lock-in of animal studies in drug development  37

     4.3    theoretical contribution     40

     4.4    Final considerations      42
    5.   references        43
    annexes        53

     How institutional logics hamper innovation: the case of animal testing 55

     How institutional logics influence innovation: the case of animal testing 83

     the value of nonhuman primates in the development of monoclonal antibodies      115

     immunogenicity of mAbs in non-human primates during nonclinical safety assessment      133

     thirty years of preclinical safety evaluation of biopharmaceuticals: did scientific progress lead to appropriate regulatory guidance?  151

     the risk-based approach to Atmp development – Generally accepted by regulators but infrequently used by companies   163