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Applied Ethics in Animal Research

John P. Gluck, Tony Dipasquale, F. Barbara Orans Purdue University Press 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

    Philosophy, Regulation, and Laboratory Applications   Preface ixAcknowledgments xiiiIntroduction 1John P. Gluck and Tony DiPasqualeEthics, Animals, and Scientific Inquiry 13R.G. FreyCan They Reason? Can They Talk? Can We Dowithout Moral Price Tags in Animal Ethics? 25Nikola Biller-AndornoThe Rhetorics of Animal… 더 보기 »Applied Ethics in Animal Research

    In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation

    F. Barbara Orans Oxford University Press 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

      Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation   NineteenthCentury Highlights  32 Current Attitudes and Ethical Arguments  203 Major Issues  354 Legislation and the Growth of Protagonist Organizations  445 Animal Subjects and Alternatives  616 Protocol Review  837 Community Members on Animal Review Committees … 더 보기 »In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation

      Scientific Perspectives on Animal Welfare

      W. Jean Dodds, F. Barbara Orlans Academic Press 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

        Introduction 1Toward Refinement Replacement and Reduction in the Care 7The Investigators Responsibilities in Research Using Animals 19

        The Unheeded Cry

        Bernard E. Rollin Oxford University Press 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

          Animal Consciousness Animal Pain and Science   Science common sense and the common sense 1Can common sense ever correct science? 13Conclusion 20Aspects of change in science and philosophy 52The tortuous path from Romanes to Watson 74the ideology cashed out 1… 더 보기 »The Unheeded Cry

          Animal Rights and Human Morality

          Bernard E. Rollin Prometheus Books 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

            Part One: Moral theory and animals —Introduction —Moral intuitions and moral theory —Having a soul —Relevant differences —Man’s dominion —Duties toward animals as duties towards men —Reason, language, and moral concern —Social contract theories —Kant’s theory of reason —Kant’s ethic… 더 보기 »Animal Rights and Human Morality

            The Dark Face of Science

            John Vyvyan Micah Publications 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문

              This is an impassioned study of the 20th century protest against vivisection by a prominent British activist who died in 1971. An accomplished stylist, Vyvyan ( In Pity and In Anger ) argues that theories of evolution, widely accepted by… 더 보기 »The Dark Face of Science

              Animal Theology

              Andrew linzey SCM Press Ltd, 자료유형:도서/학술지 열람방법:무료/방문