콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

The Unheeded Cry

  • 저자 Bernard E. Rollin
  • 출판사 Oxford University Press
  • 출판일 1989
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 동물대상연구 > Research culture and ethical review > Animal Welfare
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    Animal Consciousness Animal Pain and Science


    Science common sense and the common sense 1
    Can common sense ever correct science? 13
    Conclusion 20
    Aspects of change in science and philosophy 52
    The tortuous path from Romanes to Watson 74
    the ideology cashed out 1 107
    the ideology cashed out 2 135
    the reappropriation 167
    Law and local project review as a factor in moral 177
    Law and policy in Canada and Australia 185
    the subjective acknowledged 191
    How ignoring mental states may jeopardize 201
    psychology 231
    ethology and beyond 251
    Notes 273
    Bibliography 287
    Index 301