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Alternative Methods In Toxicology 7

  • 저자 Alan M. Goldberg
  • 출판사 Mary Ann Liebert, Ins.
  • 출판일 1989
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    In Vitro Toxicology : New Directions



    Part One: Sympopsium Presentations

    Use of In Vitro Methods in Product Development
    In Vitro Approaches to Drug Discovery
    Use of In Vitro Assays to Define the Malignant Activities of Tumor Cells and to Screen for Antimetastatic Drugs
    R. Reich, S.H. Adler, G.R. Martin, and L.S. Royce
    Development of Alternatives in a Consumer Product Company
    J. Yam and R. Winters
    O.P. Flint
    Progress Report from the CAAT on Neurptoxicity
    In Vitro Neurotoxicity in Drug Discovery and Development
    R.E. Giles
    Analysis of Cell Type-Specific Neurotoxicity Using Purified Cultures of Avian and Mammalian Retinal Neurons and Photoreceptors
    R. Adler and D. Stenkamp
    Whole-Cell Patch-Clamp Recordings of the Responses of Cultured Rabbit Trigeminal Ganglion Neurons to Capsaicin – An Irritant and Neurotoxin
    T.K. Baumann and R.H. LaMotte
    Neurotoxicity of Dopamine-Selective Drugs
    M.K. Conrad, M.M.S. Lo, and M.J. Kadan
    In Vitro Neurotoxicity Testing of Cancer Chemotherapeutic Agents Using Cerebellar Explant Cultures
    M.R. Gilbert and S.A. Grossman
    Permanent Differentiated Cell Lines from Human Biopsy Material
    O. Hurko
    D.O. Allen
    Toxicology, In Vitro Methods, and Alternatives
    E.A. Pfitzer
    The Development of Insulin Assays Without the Use of Animals
    J. Trethewey
    In Vitro Approaches to Immunotoxicology
    An Introduction to the Immune System
    N.R. Rose
    In Vitro Analysis of Chemical Toxicity Directed Toward Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages and Stromal Cells: The Impact on B-Cell Lymphopoiesis
    D. Wierda
    Characterization of In Vivo and In Vitro Chemical Exposure and Immunization Approaches for Assessing Effects on Acquired Immunity
    M.J. Murray and J.H. Dean
    Part 2: Poster Presentations

    Dermal Toxicity
    Comparisons of the Cytotoxicities of Dermatotoxicants to Human Keratinocytes and Fibrinoblasts In Vitro
    H. Babich, N. Martin-Alguacil, and E. Borenfreund
    Flow Cytometric Analysis of Toxicity by Alkylating Agents in Human Epidermal Keratinocytes
    Y.A. Gales, C.L. Gross, R.C. Krebs, and W.J. Smith
    Developing an Alternative to the Draize Skin Test: Comparison of Human Skin Cell Responses to Irritants In Vitro
    G.S. Lamont, D.M. Bagley, B.M. Kong, and S.J. De Salva
    A Physiological Skin Model for In Vitro Toxicity Studies
    G.K. Naughton, L. Jacob, and B.A. Naughton
    Hepatic Toxicity
    Evaluation of Various Parameters in Testing Drug Cytotoxicity in Primary Hepatocyte Cultures
    C. Chesne, C. Clerc, C. Guyomard, A. Fautrel, and A. Guillouzo
    Development of a Juvenile Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Primary Hepatocyte Culture for Aquatic Toxicity Testing
    P.F. Dehn and N. Wohlschlag
    Cytotoxic Response of a Juvenile Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Primary Hepatocytes to Cadmium
    R. Garcia, F. Morales, N. Wohlschlag, and P.F. Dehn
    Cytotoxic and Post Isolation Recovery Time Responses of Juvenile Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Primary Hepatocytes to Mercury Chloride
    R. Garcia, F. Morales, N. Wohlschlag, and P.F. Dehn
    Hepatocyte Cocultures as a Model for the Study of Long-Term, Selective, and Reversible Toxic Effects of Drugs
    D. Ratanasavanh, R. Bulson, A.M. Barthel, and A. Guillouzo
    The Liver Slice System: A Simple Acute Toxicity Test for Evaluation of Hepatotoxic Agents
    U. Wormser, S. Ben-Zakine, E. Stivelband, and A. Nyska
    In Vitro Assays for Chemicals and Drugs Causing Immunomodulation in Fish
    D.P. Anderson, O.W. Dixon, and A.K. Siqicki
    Suspended Nylon Screen Long-Term Bone Marrow Cultures as Substrates for Cytotoxicity Determinations
    B.A. Naughton, R.A. Preti, and G.K. Naughton
    Flow Cytometric Analysis of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes for the Assessment of Toxicity by Alkylating Agents
    K.M. Sanders, J.K. Innace, C.L. Gross, and W.J. Smith
    Ocular Toxicity
    Assessing the Eye Irritation Potential of Surfactant-Based Materials Using the Chorioallantoic Membrane Vascular Assay (CAMVA)
    D.M. Bagley, B.M. Kong, and S.J. De Salva
    Validation Study: Ocular Irritancy Prediction with the Total Cell Protein, Uridine Uptake, and Neutral Red Assays Applied to Human Epidermal Keratinocytes and Mouse 3T3 Cells
    C. Shopsis
    Evaluation of an Alternative Method for Ocular Irritation
    R.J. soto, M.J. Servi, and V.C. Gordon
    Evaluation of the Neutral Red Cytotoxicity Assay as a Predictive Test for the Ocular Irritancy Potential of Cosmetic Products
    M.A. Thomson, L.A. Hearn, K.T. Smith, J.J. Teal, and M.S. Dickens
    Reproductive/Developmental Toxicity
    Proteoglycan and Procollagen Syntheses in Rat Embryo Limb Bud Cultures Treated with Quinolone Antibacterials
    D.E. Amacher, S.J. Schomaker, T.D. Gootz, and P.R. McGuirk
    Primary Hepatocyte Culture as an Activating System for Xenobiotica Tested in the Rat Whole Embryo In Vitro
    R. Bechter, P. Bouis, and V. Fischer
    The Prediction of Phototoxic Potential Using Human A431 Cells and Mouse 3T3 Cells
    P.A. Duffy, A. Bennett, M. Roberts, and O.P. Flint
    Applications of the EYTEX Method for Determination of the Ocular Irritation of Surfactant Formulations
    V.C. Gordon, C.P. Kelly, and H.C. Bergman
    Toxicological Recognition of Replicate Casts
    A.L. Patra
    Isolation, Culture, and Characterization of Human Renal Papillary Collecting Duct Cells
    A.L. Trigillis, X. Yi, and M.W. Kahng
    Interlaboratory Validation Study of the Keratinocyte Neutral Red Bioassay from Clonetics Corporation
    D. Triglia, P.T. Wegener, J. Harbell, K. Wallace, D. Matheson, and C. Shopsis
    O.P. Flint