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Alternative Methods In Toxicology 8

  • 저자 Alan M. Goldberg
  • 출판사 Mary Ann Liebert, Ins.
  • 출판일 1991
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    In Vitro Toxicology : Mechanisms and New Technology



    Part One: Symposium Presentations

    Mechanisms of Tissue Injury
    Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and Phagocytic Cells as Mediators of Tissue Injury
    H.J. Forman and T.W. Robison
    Molecular Studies of n-Hexane and Carbon Disulfide Neuropathies
    D.G. Graham, W.M. Valentine, V. Amarnath, and D.C. Anthony
    Avon Contact Allergy Program Project Update
    Introduction to Avon Program Project
    J.J. Teal
    The Skin as an Immunologic Organ: Role of Epidermal Cytokines
    D.N. Auder and C. Feliciani
    Application of Molecular Biology and Genetics to In Vitro Toxicology
    Stimulation of Cell Proliferation by Tumor Promoters
    J.D. Yager
    Molecular Mechanisms of Adrenergic Responses
    J.J. Onotatio
    Development of an In Vitro Model System to Study the Physiologic Effects and Toxicities of Immunosuppressants
    C.B. Thompson, K.M. Jackson, L.A. Turka, B.S. Mitchell, and C.H. June
    Reproductive Toxicology and Teratology
    In Vitro Assessment of Gamete Integrity
    S.P. Darney
    In Vitro Approaches to Teratology
    B.F. Hales
    Historical Perspectives on In Vitro Toxicology
    J. Parascandola
    New Technology
    Cells on Silicon: The Microphysiometer
    J.W. Parce, J.C. Owicki, H.G. Wada, and K.M. Kercsco
    In Vitro Mutagenesis Assay Developed through Genetic Engineering
    N.S. Rudolph, V.B. Reddy, and C. Wei
    The Role of Physiological Modeling in Reducing Animal Use in Toxicology Research
    K. Krishnan and M.E. Andersen
    In Vitro – In Vivo Extrapolation of Xenobiotic Metabolism
    R.J. Chernery, J.P. Keogh, L.C. Rath, and P. McWilliams
    An Expert System Approach to the Prediction and Elucidation of the Structural Basis of Toxicological Activities
    H.S. Rosenkranz and G. Klopman
    Comparative Toxicity: Mechanistic Studies on Acetaminophen Action In Vitro and In Vivo in Various Studies Including Man
    C.A. Tyson, S.D. Cohen, and E.A. Khairallah
    Alternative Methods for Toxicity Testing: Perspectives on Validation in Europe
    B.J. Blaauboer
    Update on Validation – 1990
    J.M. Frazier
    Part 2: Poster Presentations

    Long-Term Liver Cell Cultures as Potential Substrates for Toxicity Assessment
    B.A. Naughton, B. Sibanda, and G.K. Naughton
    Effects of Indole Derivatives on Biotransformation Activities in Primary Cultures of Rat Hepatocytes
    H.M. Wortelboer, C.A. de Kruif, F.R. Cassee, H.E. Falker, A.A.J. Wortelboer, C.A. de Kruif, F.R. Cassee, H.E. Falke, A.A.J. van Iersel, J. Noordhoek, and B.J. Blaauboer
    Ocular Toxicity
    An Evaluation of the SIRC Rabbit Corneal Cell System for the Estimation of Ocular Irritancy Potential
    D.E. Amacher, C.V. Higgins, and R. Jayasinghe
    A Comparison of the In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of Nonionic Surfactants Used in Ophthalmic Formulations
    R.M. Oda, M.P. Wong, I.-M. Pride, M. Ismail, J. Andersen, C. Anger, and S. Matsumoto
    Evaluation of the EYTEX System as a Screen for Eye Irritancy of Petroleum Products
    T.A. Roy, K.A. Saladdin, J.J. Yang, and V.C. Gordon
    Occular Irritancy Prediction via Light Scattering Measurements on Chicken Cornea
    C. Shopsis, T. Zhao, and F.A. Bettelheim
    EYTEX Third Generation
    V.C. Gordon
    The SOLATEX System, An In Vitro Method to Predict Photoirritation and Screen SPF Formation
    V.C. Gordon and C.P. Kelly
    Dermal Toxicity
    Response of Human Cell Cultures to Cytotoxicants Requiring Metabolic Activation
    H. Babich, N. Martin-Alguacil, C. Raul, D.W. Rosenberg, and E. Borenfreund
    Arachidonic Acid-Release from Three Skin Culture Models in Response to Surfactant-Based Irritants
    M.P. Carver, R. Reigle, and S.J. DeSalva
    Rapid Structural and Functional Evaluation of Epidermal Cell Cultures Using Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy
    C. Cullander, R.H. Guy, R. Hinz, P. Biblbo, C. Nolte, L.M. Wilkins, and N.L. Parenteau
    A Comparison of Four Measures of Toxicity Applied to Human Dermal Fibroblasts Grown in Three Dimensional Culture on Nylon Mesh (SKIN2 Dermal Model)
    J.W. Harbell, K.A. Wallace, R.D. Curren, G.K. Naughton, and D. Triglia
    Native-State Sponge-Gel Histoculture of Intact Three Dimensional Tissue for In Vitro Toxicity Assays
    L. Li, L.B. Margolis, and R.M. Hoffman
    Evaluation of Human Skin Cell Cultures for In Vitro Skin Irritancy Testing
    R. Osborne and M.A. Perkins
    Role of Epidermal Keratinocytes During Contact Allergy
    F.M. Robertson and T.M Oberyszyn
    Regulation of Collagen Deposition by Human Fibroblasts Grown in a Three Dimensional Skin Culture System
    S.R. Slivka, L. Landeen, G.K. Naughton, and R.L. Bartel
    Evaluation of an In Vitro Dermal Irritation Assay
    R.J. Soto and V.C. Gordon
    A Three Dimensional Human Dermal Model Substrate for In Vitro Toxicological Studies
    D. Triglia, S.S. Braa, T. Donnelly, I. Kidd, and G.K. Naughton
    A New Two-Compartment Skin Model for Cutaneous Toxicity Testing
    J.J.M. van de Sandt, A.A.J.J.L. Rutten, and H.B.W.M. Koeter
    Mechanisms of Toxicity
    Difloxacin Reduces Glycosaminoglycan Sunthesis in Organ Cultures of Articular Cartilage
    J. Burkhardt, M. Hill, W. Carlton, and C. Lamar
    An In Vitro Assessment of Determinants of Susceptibility of Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells to Hydroquinone-Induced Toxicity
    L.E. Twerdok, S.J. Rembish, and M.A. Trush
    Assessing Psychoative Drug Neurotoxicity In Vitro: Initial Studies Using NG108-15 Neuroblastoma-Glioma Cells
    A.D. Weissman and J.E. Johnson, Jr.
    Reproductive/Developmental Toxicity
    Leydig Cell Primary Cultures Can Be Used to Identify Toxicants Acting to Impair or Kill Leydig Cells
    W.R. Kelce, B.R. Zirkin, and L.L. Ewing
    Development of New In Vitro Systems
    Comparison of Cell, Tissue, and Whole Organism Bioassays to Assess Inorganic Metal Toxicity in the Aquatic Environment
    A.S. Kane, R.O. Bennett, J.H. Resau, J.R. Cottrell, R. Reimschuessel, E.B. May, M. Streb, R. Hutchenson, and M.M. Lipsky
    Rat Nasal Epithelial Cell Lines for In Vitro Toxicity Testing: Derivation and Partial Characterization
    P.M. Mattes, W.B. Mattes, and J.B. Morris
    Isolated Whole Heart and Tissue Culture Models for the Study of Arrhythmias
    J. Morgan and L. Cohen
    Measurement of Hematotoxicity Using Bone Marrow Cultured Alone or in the Presence of Liver Cell Cultures
    B.A. Naughton, B. Silbanda, D. Triglia, and G.K. Naughton
    Lucigenin-Derived Chemiluminescence as a Monitor of Mitochondrial Maturation and Modulation in Mononuclear Cells
    S.J. Rembish, Y. Yang, R.L. Esterline, A. Seacoat, and M.A. Trush
    Utility of Neuronal Tissue Cultures at Defence Research Establishment Suffield
    T.W. Sawyer and M.T. Weiss
    Computer Simulation Studies of Systmeic Physiology and Pharmacology
    R.L. Summers and J.P. Montani