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Animal Welfare

  • 저자
  • 출판사 UFAW
  • 출판일 2017
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 Animal Welfare
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    Volume 26 Issue 2 May 2017


    The welfare of ducks during foie gras production. I Rochlitz and DM Broom
    The concept of behavioural needs in contemporary fur science: do we know what American mink (Mustela vison) really need? AL Kornum, H Röcklinsberg and M Gjerris
    Applying welfare science to bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). ILK Clegg, CE Van Elk and F Delfour
    The Welfare Quality® assessment protocol: how can it be adapted to family farming dual purpose cattle raised under extensive systems in tropical conditions? A Hernandez, C Berg, S Eriksson, L Edstam, A Orihuela, H Leon and C Galina
    Validation of scan sampling techniques for behavioural observations of pastured lambs. AN Pullin, MD Pairis-Garcia, MR Campler and KL Proudfoot
    Purchasing popular purebreds: investigating the influence of breed-type on the pre-purchase motivations and behaviour of dog owners. RMA Packer, D Murphy and MJ Farnworth
    Welfare assessment in traditional mountain dairy farms: above and beyond resource-based measures. A Zuliani, A Romanzin, M Corazzin, S Salvador, JC Abrahantes and S Bovolenta
    Assessing dairy cow welfare at the beginning and end of the indoor period using the Welfare Quality® protocol. S de Graaf, B Ampe and FAM Tuyttens
    A meta-analysis on the effects of the housing environment on the behaviour, mortality and performance of growing rabbits. R Sommerville, R Ruiz and X Averós
    Public attitudes toward animals and the influential factors in contemporary China. B Su and P Martens