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KIC3Rs > Resource > 동물대상연구 > 3Rs Alternatives > Animal Welfare, Ethics and te 3Rs

Animal Welfare, Ethics and te 3Rs

  • 저자 Dave Lewis
  • 출판사 University of Leeds
  • 출판일 2009
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 Animal Welfare > 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    Training materials and resources


    Can the use of animals in scientific research be justified?
    Discussion seminar for teaching animal ethics/law to students who use isolated tissues
    in their studies
    Science and Society: Can the use of animals in research be justified?
    A debate for use in the teaching of the arguments for and against the use of animals in
    scientific research.
    Use and abuse of animals in scientific research
    Materials for use in the discussion of acceptable boundaries with respect to the use of
    animals in research
    Ethical dilemmas
    Interactive e-learning website which enables individuals to consider their own and
    others views on animal welfare issues
    Animals in research
    Interactive on-line survey and supplementary questions for teaching animal welfare
    issues and the ethics of animal experimentation
    Are we abusing animals?
    Group debate (and suggested topics) of animal welfare issues
    Behavioural ecology and animal welfare
    Essay for use in the teaching of laboratory animal welfare
    Animal ethics and welfare
    Student presentations on animal ethics and welfare issues
    Animal welfare: Who is right?
    Evaluating and discussing video clips of animal welfare issues
    Animal welfare: What would you do?
    Case study of an animal welfare issue
    Xenopus husbandry in practice
    PowerPoint slides for Xenopus husbandry training course
    Poultry husbandry
    PowerPoint slides for poultry husbandry (modules 2 & 3) training course
    A question of ethics
    Compilation of ethical questions and issues for debate
    Ethical review & the 3Rs
    Case studies and class discussions to provide training for PIL holders/Schedule 1
    Users in animal welfare, ethical review processes and the application of the 3Rs in their
    own studies/research
    Ergodynia- Hope at last!
    Workshop for the teaching of experimental design and Ethical Review Processes
    Designing in-vivo experiments
    Workshop to teach experimental design and application of the 3Rs
    Alternatives to animal experimentation
    PowerPoint presentation of the alternatives to animal experimentation
    Strategic planning for research programmes
    Planning chart for reducing animal use in Biomedical Science
    Applying the 3Rs in project design
    Discussion of strategies by which the 3Rs can be applied before and during a project
    Direct ethical implications and wider social impact of a programme of research
    Applying training in ethical thinking to consider the ethical issues and social impact of a
    programme of research
    Animal experiments: Cruel or necessary?
    Ethics-based “Science and Society” activities; an alternative non-laboratory base final
    year research project
    Science & Society activities in Schools
    Materials and ideas for schools presentations
    Links to training material and other resources