Institutional Review Board Member Handbook is designed to give IRB members the information they need to protect the rights and welfare of research subjects in a way that is both effective and efficient. Chapters are short and to the point with the goal of presenting practical advice on what IRB members should do before and during full-committee meetings. A large portion of the book is devoted to topic-specific chapters that list the criteria IRB members should use to determine how to vote on specific kinds of studies. This handbook is an excellent accompaniment to Institutional Review Board: Management and Function, Second Edition that IRB members can access and refer to quickly and easily.

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(B258) Institutional Review Board Member Handbook SECOND EDITION
- 저자 Rober J. Amdur , Elizabeth A. Bankert
- 출판사
- 출판일 2006
- 열람방법 무료/방문
- 분야 기타
- 세부분야 신경계
- 유형 도서/학술지
- 언어
- 주제어