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Welfare Aspects of Transgenic Animals

  • 저자 L.F.M. Van Zutphen, M. Van Der Meer(EDS.)
  • 출판사 Springer
  • 출판일 1997
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 동물대상연구
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    Scientific Applications of Transgenic Mouse Models
    Verbeek, J. S.  Pages 1-17
    Introduction of Defined Mutations into the Mouse Germline
    Müller, W.  Pages 18-25
    Growth Hormone Overproduction in Transgenic Mice: Phenotypic Alterations and Deduced Animal Models
    Wolf, E. (et al.)  Pages 26-47
    Prospectives of Transgenic Animals for the Pharmaceutical Indudstry
    Bürki, K.  Pages 48-57
    Assessing the Welfare of Transgenic Animals
    Broom, D. M.  Pages 58-67
    Production of Transgenic Animals: Practical Problems and Welfare Aspects
    Costa, P.  Pages 68-77
    Use of Transgenic Animals and Welfare Implications
    Meer, M. (et al.)  Pages 78-89
    Transgenic Animals: The Need for Ethical Dialogue
    Sandøe, P. (et al.)  Pages 90-101
    Legislation on Transgenic Animals in Europe
    Greeve, P. (et al.)  Pages 102-112
    The Utrecht Workshop on Welfare Aspects of Transgenic Animals
    Poole, T.  Pages 113-115