Kid Science: Frog Dissection
Want to learn all about frogs? Just consult Kid Science: Frog Dissection! This interactive CD offers a whole new way to study how a frog’s body works. Video, photos, detailed diagrams and narration capture the dissection experience without all the smell and mess. Or just follow the step-by-step instructions to perform a dissection of your own.

Kid Science: Fish Dissection
Want to learn all about fish? Just consult Kid Science: Fish Dissection! This interactive CD offers a whole new way to study how a fish’s body works. Video, photos, detailed diagrams and narration capture the dissection experience without all the smell and mess. Or just follow the step-by-step instructions to perform a dissection of your own.

Kid Science: Worm Dissection
Want to learn all about worms? Just consult Kid Science: Worm Dissection! This interactive program offers a whole new way to study how an earthworm’s body works. Video, photos, detailed diagrams and narration capture the dissection experience without all the smell and mess. Or just follow the step-by-step instructions to perform a dissection of your own.