The eMind Tutorial Series lessons are highly interactive and adaptive. Users progress through each unit at their own pace and are directed forward through the lesson or back to review based on their responses to questions. The follow sixteen units are included: Biomolecules, Cells and Organelles, Membranes and Transport, Chromosomes and Mitosis, Meiosis, Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance, DNA Basics, DNA Technology, Evolution, Classification, Bacteria and Viruses, Protists and Fungi, Plants, Animals-The Invertebrates, Animals-The Vertebrates, and Ecology.

eMind Frog
개구리의 해부와 생리를 배울 수 있으며, 외관, 입의 특징, 호흡기, 생식기, 골격계에 대해 학습할 수 있습니다. 4개의 minilab을 통해 호흡수, 소화관, 심박수, 근육 수축에 대해 학습할 수 있으며 수집한 데이터를 그래프로 나타낼 수 있습니다. Demo

eMind Fish includes the investigation and dissection of three fish, the lamprey, the dogfish, and the yellow perch. Each fish is presented in external, head, and internal views. A comparison section compares and contrasts the features of these three types of fish. Three MiniLabs allow students to investigate respiratory rate, capillary flow, and dissolved oxygen levels. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2, HS-LS 1.3) Demo

eMind Fly is an interactive tutorial that teaches the fundamentals of genetics. Students will investigate F1, F2, Sex-linked, and dihybrid crosses using virtual fruit flies. Each investigation includes pre-lab instruction, thorough open-ended lab simulation, and post-lab reinforcement. Also included is the Fly Breeder, an open-ended activity that allows students to analyze up to 26 different physical characteristics. Students will apply what they have learned to determine the pattern of inheritance of each trait. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 3.3) Demo

eMind Pig
돼지의 해부와 생리를 배울 수 있으며, 소화기, 호흡기, 비뇨생식기, 내분비계 및 골격계를 해부합니다. 두 개의 MiniLab을 통해 운동이 이산화탄소 수준에 미치는 영향과 운동 후 심박수가 회복되는 방식에 대해 학습할 수 있습니다. Demo

eMind Cat
고양이의 해부과 생리를 배울 수 있으며, 인간과 해부학적으로 비교할 수 있습니다. 연구입니다. 학생들은 고양이의 머리와 어깨, 몸통, 가슴, 골반을 포함한 골격계, 근육계 및 소화기, 심호흡기 및 비뇨생식기계의 장기를 학습합니다. Demo

eMind Invertebrate provides an in-depth study of four common invertebrates. Students will observe and dissect three views of the squid, earthworm, crayfish, and sea star. A comparisons section allows students to compare and contrast the major systems of each of the four invertebrates. Included is a MiniLab that enables students to investigate the effects of different drugs on the heart rate of daphnia. Also included is a survey of over twenty other invertebrates. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2, HS-LS 1.3) Demo

eMind Animalcules and Other Cells is an open-ended microscope simulation that allows students to explore various cell types by viewing pictures and movies. Five different kingdoms are represented as well as cellular processes such as cytoplasmic streaming and phagocytosis. Three labs: Basic Cell Structure, The Movement and Feeding of Common Protists, and the Bacteria Lab are included. (NGSS Alignment: HS-LS 1.2, HS-LS 1.3) Demo