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Animal Welfare (vol. 22, Issue1)

  • 저자
  • 출판사 The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
  • 출판일 2013
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 Animal Welfare
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어
    A report of capture myopathy in the Tasmanian pademelon (Thylogale billardierii) 
    pp. 1-4(4) 
    Authors: Mcmahon, CR; Wiggins, NL; French, V; McCallum, HI; Bowman, DMJS
    Killing wild geese with carbon dioxide or a mixture of carbon dioxide and argon 
    pp. 5-12(8) 
    Authors: Gerritzen, MA; Reimert, HGM; Lourens, A; Bracke, MBM; Verhoeven, MTW
    Behavioural responses of Argentine coastal dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) to a biopsy pole system 
    pp. 13-23(11) 
    Authors: de Castro, R Loizaga; Hoelzel, AR; Crespo, EA
    Measuring faecal glucocorticoid metabolites as a non-invasive tool for monitoring adrenocortical activity in South American camelids 
    pp. 25-31(7) 
    Authors: Arias, N; Requena, M; Palme, R
    Public attitudes towards grief in animals 
    pp. 33-47(15) 
    Authors: McGrath, N; Walker, J; Nilsson, D; Phillips, C
    Rating harms to wildlife: a survey showing convergence between conservation and animal welfare views 
    pp. 49-55(7) 
    Authors: Dubois, S; Fraser, D
    The welfare of laying hens in conventional cages and alternative systems: first steps towards a quantitative comparison 
    pp. 57-65(9) 
    Authors: Freire, R; Cowling, A
    Effects of developmental history on the behavioural responses of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to laboratory husbandry 
    pp. 67-78(12) 
    Authors: Jayne, K; Feenders, G; Bateson, M
    The effect of pre-stun shocks in electrical water-bath stunners on carcase and meat quality in broilers 
    pp. 79-84(6) 
    Authors: Rao, MA; Knowles, TG; Wotton, SB
    Assessment time of the Welfare Quality? protocol for dairy cattle 
    pp. 85-93(9) 
    Authors: de Vries, M; Engel, B; den Uijl, I; van Schaik, G; Dijkstra, T; de Boer, IJM; Bokkers, EAM
    Assessing the safety of collars used to attach predation deterrent devices and ID tags to pet cats 
    pp. 95-105(11) 
    Authors: Calver, MC; Adams, G; Clark, W; Pollock, KH
    Introduction and overview 
    pp. 107-107(1) 
    Authors: Toole, J; Bass, C; Carder, G
    Whaling and whale killing methods 
    pp. 109-111(3) 
    Authors: Bass, CL; Brakes, P
    Responsible whale watching and whale welfare 
    pp. 113-115(3) 
    Author: Iniguez, MA
    Welfare of whales by-caught in fishing gear or struck by vessels 
    pp. 117-121(5) 
    Author: Moore, MJ
    The science of animal welfare and its relevance to whales 
    pp. 123-126(4) 
    Author: Broom, DM
    The value of animal welfare data collection: a case study on whaling operations 
    pp. 127-130(4) 
    Author: Papastavrou, V
    Animal ethics and the work of the International Whaling Commission 
    pp. 131-132(2) 
    Author: Garner, R
    Animal research ethics, legislation and practice and their application to scientific whaling 
    pp. 133-135(3) 
    Author: Fry, DJ
    Animal welfare: emerging trends in legislation 
    pp. 137-139(3) 
    Author: Brown, C
    Animal welfare and intergovernmental organisations: the role of intergovernmental organisations such as the OIE in animal welfare 
    pp. 141-142(2) 
    Authors: Littin, KE; Sheridan, A; Johnson, CB; Bayvel, ACD
    Potential directions for the IWC to address the conservation and welfare challenges faced by cetacean species 
    pp. 143-145(3) 
    Author: Harrop, SR
    Wild animal welfare 
    pp. 147-148(2)
    Human-wildlife interactions: the importance and benefits of effective training 
    pp. 149-150(2) 
    Authors: Lane, J; Jackson, V
    Free Content Reports and Comments 
    pp. 151-154(4)
    Free Content Book Reviews 
    pp. 155-157(3)