콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

Man and Beast Revisited

  • 저자 Michael H. Robinson, Lionel Tiger
  • 출판사 Smithsonian Institution Press
  • 출판일 1991
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 사람과 동물
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    A personal note / Thomas A. Sebeok — Acknowledgments / Michael H. Robinson — Introduction / Lionel Tiger — Evolution from the Big Bang to the Brontosaurus / irwin J. Shapiro — Darwin Triumphant: Darwinism as a Universal Truth / Richard Dawkins — Untying the Knot: Evolution of Early Behavior / Richard Potts — Biochemical Insights onto Our Ancestry / Sherwood L. Washburn — Sociobiology and the Test of Time / Edward O. Wilson — aggression: Then and Now / Robin Fox — Monogamy, Adultery, and Divorce in Cross- Species Perspective / Helen Fisher — Mammalian Social Organizations and the Case of Alouatta / John F. Eisenberg — Tactics of Primate Immaturity / Phyllis Dolhinow — Sexual Selection and Social Behavior / Mary Jane West-Eberhard — Deceit and Self-Deception: The Relationship between Communication and Consciousness / Robert Trivers — Structures of Animal Communication / Martin Moynihan — Consciousness and the Ecology of Meaning: New Findings and Old Philosophies / John Hurrell Crook — The Brain as a Supercomputer / Richard M. Restak — Man and Beast Interface: An Overview of Our Interrelationships / Leo K. Bustad — Animal Companions: More Companion Than Animal / Aaron Honori Katcher — The human-Animal Interface: Chasm or Continuum? / Andrew N. Rowan — One Man and the Beasts: An Autobiographical Approach / Michael H. Robinson — Man’s Future Needs the Beasts / Norman Myers — Human Nature and the Psycho- Industrial Complex / Lionel Tiger — Climate Change: Causes and Effects / Stephen H. Schneider.