콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

Progress In The Reduction, Refinement And Replacement of Animal Experimentation

  • 저자 M. Balls, A. -M. van Zeller, M. Halder
  • 출판사 Elsevier
  • 출판일 2000
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어




     [V. 1.] Special contributions —
    Plenary lectures —
    Carcinogenicity testing —
    Metabolism-mediated effects —
    Genomics, proteomics and gene regulation —
    Embryonic stem cells —
    Use of reconstituted tissues and co-cultures —
    Barrier systems in vitro —
    Biocompatibility of materials —
    Validation of alternative methods —
    Regulatory acceptance of alternative methods —
    Predicting toxicity from structure —
    Integrated testing and predicting human hazard —
    Case studies: eye and skin irritation —
    Case studies: skin sensitisation —
    Haematotoxicology in vitro —
    Experimental design and reduction —
    Data analysis and reduction —
    Reduction and regulatory testing —
    Aspects of cost-benefit analysis —
    Antibody production —
    [v. 2.] Humane endpoints —
    Eliminating vaccine testing in animals —
    Validation and acceptance of new methods for biologicals —
    Adverse effects: regulation and classification —
    Adverse effects: recognition and assessment —
    Adverse effects: alleviation and avoidance —
    Refinement in experimental design and technique —
    Refinement in behavioural research —
    Refinement in housing and husbandry: rodents and rabbits —
    Refinement in housing and husbandry: other non-rodents —
    Use of animals in education and training —
    Outreach to scientists on the three Rs —
    Outreach to the general public on the three Rs and demonstration of training programmes —
    Ethical aspects of transgenesis —
    Role of ethical committees —
    Animal models —
    Point/counterpoint debates —
    Workshops —
    Closing plenary lectures.