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Alternative Methods In Toxicology 2

  • 저자 Alan M. Goldberg
  • 출판사 Mary Ann Liebert, Ins.
  • 출판일 1984
  • 열람방법 무료/방문
  • 분야 3Rs Alternatives
  • 유형 도서/학술지
  • 언어
  • 주제어

    Acute Toxiity Testing : Alternative Approaches


    Part One: Acute Toxicity Testing

    Acute Toxicity Testing, Purpose
    Gerhard Zbinden
    Acute Toxicity Testing, Practice
    Thomas E. Hickey
    Regulatory Uses of Acute Toxicity Data
    Paul H. LaFlamme
    The FRAME Research Programme on In Vitro Cytotoxicology
    Michael Balls and James W. Bridges
    Hazard Identification with Small Numbers of Animals: Implications for Risk Assessment
    Victor G. Laites and Ronald W. Wood
    Part Two: Poster Presentations

    In Vitro Cytotoxicity Assays as Potential Alternatives to the Draize Ocular Irritancy Test
    C. Shopsis, E. Borenfreund, J. Walberg, and D. Star
    The Toxicity of Sixteen Metallic Compounds in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells: A Comparison with Mice and Drosophila
    A.W. Hsie, R.L. Schenley, E.-L. Tan, W.E. Perdue, M.W. Williams, T.L. Hayden, and J.E. Turner
    Development of an In Vitro Test for Cytotoxicity in Vaginal Tissue: Effect of Ethanol on Prostanoid Release
    N.H. Dubin, M.C. DiBlasi, C.L. Thomas, and M.C. Wolff
    An Assessment of the Importance of Number of Dosage Levels, Number of Animals per Dosage Level, Sex and Method of LD50, and Slope Calculation in Acute Toxicity Studies
    L.R. DePass, R.C. Myers, E.V. Weaver, and C.S. Weil
    An In Vitro Novel Technique for Screening Antifote Potentiality of Drugs
    K.S. Swami and K.S. Jagannatha Rao
    Methodology Updating of Acute Toxicity Testing
    R. Bass, H.P. Gelbke, C. Gloxhuber, H. Greim, P. Gunzel, D. Henscler, A. Hildebrandt, D. Kayser, J. Konig, D. Lorke, D. Neubert, E. Schultz, D. Schuppan, G. Zbinden
    Poster Abstracts

    Validation of a Structure-Activity Model of Rat Oral LD50
    T. Lander, K. Enslein, P. Craig, and M. Tomb
    An Up-and-Down Procedure for Acute Toxicity Testing
    Robert D. Bruce
    Part Three: Workshops

    Charge to Workshops: Definitions and Goals
    Alan Goldberg
    Opening Statement of Workshops:
    Statistical Considerations and Protocols Using Small Numbers of Animals. Introductory Remarks
    Gerard Zbinden
    Species and Host Factors in Safety Evaluation
    Gareth M. Green
    The Preselection or Establishment of a Hierarchy of Chemicals in Safety Evaluation
    Warren Muir
    Protocol Development and the Scientific and Clinical Uses of Acute Toxicity Data
    David A. Blake
    Summaries of Workshops:
    Statistical Considerations and Protocols Using Small Numbers of Animals. Introductory Remarks
    Charles Rohde
    Species and Host Factors in Safety Evaluation
    John A. Moore
    The Preselection or Establishment of a Hierarchy of Chemicals in Safety Evaluation
    Robert Squire
    Protocol Development and the Scientific and Clinical Uses of Acute Toxicity Data
    Paul Kotin
    Part Four: Regulatory Implications

    Summary: Regulatory Implications
    W. Gary Flamm